Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Energy Saving Gadgets


I'm a bit of a gadget freak, and over the last couple of years have
become interested in Energy Saving gadgets. I just bought a TreeGreen
energy egg from Tesco, and it's probably the best one I have bought
so far.

Does anyone else have or can anyone suggest other effective energy
saving gadgets?
I never heard of such a thing as an "Energy Egg", so I looked it up. it looks like the appliance switches things off that aren't being used, which seems to imply that you have bought special automatically-controllable appliances.
My own approach is forbearance. I simply don't need stuff, so i don't buy it. I do have lights and heating, and obviously I have a computer, but beyond those appliances not a skerrick unless you count the computer speakers (and I forgot the fridge).
I'm a fan of simplifying things as much as possible. For me, the answer to the energy problems is to be found in greed... we are rather greedy and that isn't working out well for anybody in the long run and greed is destroying the world we live in.

My methods for economy include tricks with double-glazing, eschewing television, and reading books.

PS Maybe you'd like Arduino, which takes a bit of learning but gives you tremendous control capabilities. You can learn to customise your programs to do amazing things. Sound like fun? It's cheap, too.
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