Maker Pro
Maker Pro

energy saving circuit

Surely that is not everything you have on your mind? How is that supposed to help us help you?

If you are worried about that clock on your vcr when the power should be out, don't sweat it. I could just send you the dollar it would cost in electricity over the next year.

If I sound sarcastic, its because I am trying to be. You have to at least try and help us understand what your goal is.
I like switches, ha ha, have a look in here for ideas, i expect the web is dotted with articles / projects, there was one in the magazine i get, every day practical electronics, ive been looking for it every where, cant find the dam thing, it had a project monitoring house hold electrical items and turning of when in standby for a preset time, are keep looking see if i can find it. :)

PS. Magazine i get.
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Seriously though, can we get a sticky to help people help themselves? I mean I have seen too much of this recently. It makes like zero sense to have these threads on here. Let alone when they show up in my 100 results when I do a search. I need all the help I can get and this isn't helping.
I think the forum would benefit from sub type FAQ and more experienced members leave answers to some mundane questions, not sure how an idea like that might work.

I am no expert, just a modest keen hobbyist, when physically well enough to plug an iron in.
So i dont mind answering what some might see as basic simple questions, but some of the same does frequently reappear in the way of already answered questions.

But bare in mind new comers might not think to flick through pages to find possible answers, so for them its just as convenient to just ask the question, maybe a little more patients from older members, newbies are not a pest, or there questions.

Up until i joined the forum my forum knowledge was 0 it improved 10 fold, and i dont mind answering what i do know, and will attempt more complex questions, but wont attempt the questions about subject matter i know little or nothing about, although i understand almost all electronics, there are questions way out of my depth, i dont mind admitting it.

In as much as some might get tired of answering questions they dont see as a challenge, thats not to say they wont answer, i believe they will, but preference is to the more challenging.

Remember this, newbies come in all the time, some with little or no experience, others are very well educated, but a little leeway for the less experienced cant be wrong, i think every one should be treated as an equal, regardless of knowlege status, the only exception is time wasters, and there easily spotted, but far and few between, a little more patients with the less experienced. :)

PS. It takes knowlege to ask the question in the first place, if you dont understand completely, how do you ask the question ? say for example how do i ask the question when its complex an i barely understand the theory, its how to word it for a total newbie, so to you and me it might seem vague or odd, but the new member is trying to express a question in words, not necessarily totally understanding what there asking, then take in to account members of different nationality's, it can be a challenge to pick the question from the text, not all the time, but it does happen, just a bit of leeway and patients i think.
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