Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Enabling IDE hot-swap

What is needed to enable hot-swap capabilities on an IDE bus?
I understand that hot-swapping an IDE device normally isn't possible, but have also heard that in some cases it is. I want to attach an IDE-Compact Flash (CF) memory card adapter to the IDE bus and be able to remove/insert the memory cards without first having to turn off the computer's power. How can this be done?

I read somewhere that it depends on which signal (data or power) is cut first -if this is the case, is it a matter of shorting some of the CF adapter pins so that certain signals get disabled first or is there more to it than that? I also found an IDE-CF adapter which claims to allow for hot-swapping (Addonics IDE-CF pro) unlike the cheap ones you normally find on eBay etc. but haven't heard if anyone has ever used them and have had success with this.