Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Emerson VCR755 Tape Speed Fault


JR North

I got the transport sorted out; all modes work fine now. In play/record,
the tape speed starts out quite high, and slowly ramps down over 2-3
minutes but remains at about que/review speed. The auto tape speed
indicator doesn't change with tapes recorded in SP,EP modes. I think it
was doing this just before the transport got out of time; not sure. I
swabbed the side mounted tape heads, but haven't cleaned the drum. How
is tape speed sensed, and could it just be an adjustment? Que/review in
play work ok, just quite higher than normal.


The speed of the tape being played back is sensed and automatically selected
via the A/C head.... make certain that it is clean and does not have a
build up of gunk on it.