Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Emerson 50" LED powers on then back off! HELP!

I'm very frustrated with my tv. It's only a year old but warranty only covers parts, which is only a couple dollars usually. Labor is couple hundred and I only paid $250 new.

It turns on, displays Emerson then shuts off, within 5-10sec.
This started about a month ago. I FINALLY ordered a new power board and installed it today. SAME THING HAPPENS!
Now I'm out that money too! Rather than trying to repair a capacitor or something I figured hell, put a whole new board in it must fix it! I was clearly wrong lol
Is there something else that would cause this? Or is it likely that I got a board with the same issue?
I bought it on eBay, and it said it was new not used. I'm really irritated and would greatly appreciate any info that may solve my issue.
Thanks in advance!
The safety circuitry shuts the TV set down or will keep it from turning on when it detects a problem. There could be a problem other than the power board you replaced or even the computer itself.
I forgot to mention that Emerson's have a lot of problems with there inverter boards that cause the same problem you described.
The only possible inverters are in the main psu, it's LED driven

I'd put money on one or several LEDs that failed behind the filter, did you by any chance set the brightness > 90% ?
The only possible inverters are in the main psu, it's LED driven

I'd put money on one or several LEDs that failed behind the filter, did you by any chance set the brightness > 90% ?

I'm not positive afar the brightness was on. Probably switched it depending on room light.
Is it fixable if that's the case?
I'm not a pro with electronic stuff. I don't know all the correct terminology lol
Is the inverter board the other board inside with the hdmi ports etc on it?
I only see 2 circuit boards. One I replaced and the other with video inputs in it.
Basically you need to locate the LED driver, test it's voltage, each model will house the led's differently but this is the kind of issue i think you have (edited, wrong vid)
The video in my next post is more like your problem you describe.. (not the video in this post, although could prove helpful)

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