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Maker Pro

ELK-Guard wireless GSM alarm system


Robert L Bass

Among the interesting products on display at the EHExpo in Orlando this week
was ELK Products' ELK-Guard wireless GSM security system. The system operates
stand-alone without electrical power for up to 3 months before needing to be
recharged. It can be useful for construction sites and vacation homes, boats
moored in a harbor, etc.

The ELK-Guard stand-alone, wireless alarm system is intended for homes without
land lines, construction trailers, boats & marinas, apartments and dorm rooms.
The system operates up to 3 months without power. ELK-Guard's 124 dB on-board
siren is one of the loudest available. Auxiliary sirens and strobes can also
be connected. The system supports up to 24 sensors to detect opening of
windows & doors and motion detectors for interior coverage. The built-in GSM
Cellular Reporter can contact you by cell phone or transmit signals to a
professional monitoring facility.

ELK Products built a separate website for the ELK-Guard. Here's the URL:

Because the ELK-Guard is a stand-alone unit it is subject to the same weakness
as other systems of the type -- the thief may locate the control and destroy
it. However, the system can use an external siren and it can be hidden in a
secure location. Wireless keyfobs can be used to arm/disarm the system.
Timers can be programmed to auto-arm at a given time of day if needed. That
would be especially helpful on construction sites where the GC may not always
be present to arm the system when the last sub-contractor leaves for the day.
The system can also be remotely armed over cellular by the owner or by the
central station should the client desire.

ELK launched the ELK-Guard product line January 1, 2008. Dealers can contact
ELK Products directly for more information. I work with DIY customers.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252

Roger W

Among the interesting products on display at the EHExpo in Orlando this week
was ELK Products' ELK-Guard wireless GSM security system.  The system operates
stand-alone without electrical power for up to 3 months before needing to be
recharged.  It can be useful for construction sites and vacation homes, boats
moored in a harbor, etc.

The ELK-Guard stand-alone, wireless alarm system is intended for homes without
land lines, construction trailers, boats & marinas, apartments and dorm rooms.
The system operates up to 3 months without power. ELK-Guard's 124 dB on-board
siren is one of the loudest available. Auxiliary sirens and strobes can also
be connected. The system supports up to 24 sensors to detect opening of
windows & doors and motion detectors for interior coverage. The built-in GSM
Cellular Reporter can contact you by cell phone or transmit signals to a
professional monitoring facility.

Maybe I'll buy one to back up my "Laser Sheild"

ELK Products built a separate website for the ELK-Guard.  Here's the URL:

Because the ELK-Guard is a stand-alone unit it is subject to the same weakness
as other systems of the type -- the thief may locate the control and destroy
it.  However, the system can use an external siren and it can be hidden in a
secure location.  Wireless keyfobs can be used to arm/disarm the system.
Timers can be programmed to auto-arm at a given time of day if needed.  That
would be especially helpful on construction sites where the GC may not always
be present to arm the system when the last sub-contractor leaves for the day.
The system can also be remotely armed over cellular by the owner or by the
central station should the client desire.

ELK launched the ELK-Guard product line January 1, 2008.  Dealers can contact
ELK Products directly for more information.  I work with DIY customers.

And See Habla Espaknoll

Bob La Londe

Your link didn't work, but the product can be viewed here.

It sounds good, and I was thinking, "Wow. I get calls quite often for
something that can do this," until I read the following.

Remote Arming/Disarming*
Arming Schedules*

(*) Not available when Elk Guard is set to "AC OFF" (i.e. Battery-Mode)
I know it probably has to do with battery conservation. The unit probably
goes into some form of cellular sleep mode where it only turns on the radio
when it needs to transmit, but still, that would be a definite training
issue when selling. Also, an issue for repeat clients of special systems
who want to know why they can do it on some sites, but not on others.

It would have been really cool to put this unit on a service trailer on a
construction site, and show the manager how to remote arm, but you would
need to provide AC even before the service pedestal was installed to give
them the functionality they need. That mean solar plus inverter which would
drive the price of an installation back up.

I went ahead and put in my info for a dealer application. I don't see
myself pushing this product heavily, but I can definitely see wanting to
have it in my arsenal for some applications.

The guy who makes the final decision
on who we do business with.
Bob La Londe

The Security Consultant
Bob La Londe - Owner
P.O. Box 5720
Yuma, Az 85366

(928) 782-9765 ofc
(928) 782-7873 fax

Licensed Contractor
ROC103044 & ROC103047

Robert L Bass

Bob La Londe said:
Your link didn't work, but the product can be viewed here.

Thanks, Bob. The correct URL is I put a hyphen in there by
It sounds good, and I was thinking, "Wow. I get calls quite often for
something that can do this," until I read the following.

Remote Arming/Disarming*
Arming Schedules*

(*) Not available when Elk Guard is set to "AC OFF" (i.e. Battery-Mode)
I know it probably has to do with battery conservation. The unit probably
goes into some form of cellular sleep mode where it only turns on the radio
when it needs to transmit, but still, that would be a definite training
issue when selling. Also, an issue for repeat clients of special systems
who want to know why they can do it on some sites, but not on others.

Good point. For most construction trailers line power is not a problem. For
the premises under construction though, that is a consideration.
It would have been really cool to put this unit on a service trailer on a
construction site, and show the manager how to remote arm, but you would
need to provide AC even before the service pedestal was installed to give
them the functionality they need. That mean solar plus inverter which would
drive the price of an installation back up.

Memory is non-volatile so program in the features as needed, power it down
(battey and all), then demo it as a system to protect the trailer. IME those
get targeted almost as often as materials left on site.
I went ahead and put in my info for a dealer application. I don't see
myself pushing this product heavily, but I can definitely see wanting to
have it in my arsenal for some applications.

Exactly. It's not the be all / end all solution but it definitely has some


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252

Robert L Bass

G Mck said:
Thats just a rebadged Ness product from Australia...

That's right. ELK said that it was developed by an Austraiian firm. I didn't
ask which one but I'm sure you're right.
They are improved now, and may be suitable for certain applications , but
all the ones I have ever seen installed have been ripped out and thrown
away. They were usually mounted in the corner of the lounge, with an ugly
sattelite siren directly outside (only one hole to drill).

I can't imagine using these as primary protection for a completed residence
(big, ugly and not as secure as a conventional system). However, for
constructions sites / trailers, moored boats, etc., they do provide a means of
offering monitored protection. I can see companies installing them and
prewiring for the main system, then removing the ELK Guard when the job is

Another use is for families / businesses that have just suffered a loss.
We've all had to deal with competitors who offer totally inadequate protection
at inflated prices but can sometimes win the sale because they offered
*immediate* protection. A salesman could bring one of these, a few door
contacts and motion detectors with him, sell the client a full-blown,
professional system and offer to install temporary protection on the spot as a
stop-gap until the team can be scheduled for a proper job. In that situation
the control could even be pre-programmed with a kit consisting of two or three
motion detectors, a couple of smokes and a dozen or so door/window contacts.
Install the main unit in a secure closet, lick'n'stick the wireless
transmitters, hand the client a pair of wireless keyfobs and they're covered
until the installation is finished. Once they're up and running pull the
temporary system out and it's ready for the next new customer. Even if you
never sell one you can use it to sell a hundred proper systems that might
otherwise go to a competitor.

Again, it's not an earth shattering product. But it can be a very useful


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252

Robert L Bass

Whoops still not correct URL. Correct is Typo!!

I can spell. I just can't tpye. :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252

Frank Olson

Mark said:
It's a rebranded Ness SafeGuard System III, the system then and wireless
sensors were junk and it's suprising after all you've said about all-in-one
systems that you'd be selling it

It's not "surprising" at all considering who's "pushing" it
("Anything-For-A-Buck-Bass"). He sells several "all-in-one" packages
that he's often labeled "junk" in this newsgroup. To top it all off,
he's completely unfamiliar with much of the stuff he sells. He wasn't
even aware you could purchase additional keypads for the Lynx and
PowerMax (until his assertion was "corrected" in the group). ISTR he
once stated that people who order equipment that he considers "junk" are
emailed helpful "alternative suggestions" probably because he can't
obtain the product through distribution (most security distributors will
only sell to licensed dealers).

Robert L Bass

ABLE_1 said:

Since you seem to have a little extra insight on this unit. Please answer
if you can the following questions. It is easier to ask than it is to read
all the docs to determine the answers.

1) Do the wireless transmitters have proper supervision??

2) Can the unit be Downloaded remotely in anyway??

3) Can the unit be Downloaded on site in anyway??

Yes, yes & yes.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252

Frank Olson

ABLE_1 said:

Since you seem to have a little extra insight on this unit. Please answer
if you can the following questions. It is easier to ask than it is to read
all the docs to determine the answers.

And you figure Bass has "time on his hands". :)

Nomen Nescio

The system operates up to 3 months without power. ELK-Guard's 124 dB on-board
siren is one of the loudest available.

Oh, hardy-har-har! A battery-powered 124dB siren? And it lasts "up to" 3
months without power?

The first false alarm will probably wipe out the battery. Unless it has
that new five-second siren shutoff timer.

Robert L Bass

Nomen Nescio said:
The first false alarm will probably wipe out the battery. Unless it has
that new five-second siren shutoff timer.

As usual, you're wrong. But then, that never stopped you from posting before.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252


ABLE_1 said:
By "junk" do you mean that the:

a) transmission range is poor
b) the Plastic Case is made of inferior materials
c) the circuit board components are of lesser quality
d) all of the above
e) other


He means they weren't made to the same standard as the AT&T 8000 or the
Chevrolet Vega. Mark, according to Jack, uses these products as his
benchmark, understandably most products don't compare so he labels them as


Robert L Bass

ABLE_1 said:
By "junk" do you mean that the:

a) transmission range is poor
b) the Plastic Case is made of inferior materials
c) the circuit board components are of lesser quality
d) all of the above
e) other

I can't speak for the products manufactured in Australia. TTBOMK Elk makes
the transmitters and receivers. Whatever NESS may have done in Australia, ELK
Products has an excellent reputation for quality. They also give better
support than most manufacturers in the security industry.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252


Mark said:
Just the other day I saw a pristine example of a late 70's Chevette in
downtown Dallas, you'd think they's all be in private collections or
museums by now, I guess it's just another rich guy driving his prize

Probably had his Pinto in the shop.

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Robert L Bass