Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Elektor Magazine.


ian field

The September issue was supposed to include a free LED driver PCB - mine

Can anyone describe to me how it was attached? This is not the first time
Elektor has arrived sans freebie and as usual the newsagent vigorously
denies any knowledge of it - I'm starting to suspect foul play!


Terminal Crazy

ian field said:
The September issue was supposed to include a free LED driver PCB - mine

Contact the Mag directly, they should have other copies & should be able to
mail one out.
The September issue was supposed to include a free LED driver PCB - mine

Can anyone describe to me how it was attached? This is not the first timeElektorhas arrived sans freebie and as usual the newsagent vigorously
denies any knowledge of it - I'm starting to suspect foul play!


The litle PCB was glued onto the logo. It was easy to remove without
damaging the cover as the glue is non-permanent. My board works just
fine. Full marks to Elektor for this free gift.

Further to this, a friend bought the September issue from WHS
Cambridge. No board was found on any of the magazines on the shelf. He
advised Elektor of the missing board and was promised one to be sent
foc by post. Apparently Elektor are inundated with complaints about
missing/damaged freebie boards, dunno if all requests for free
replacements are honoured.



[email protected] wrote in
Further to this, a friend bought the September issue from WHS
Cambridge. No board was found on any of the magazines on the shelf. He
advised Elektor of the missing board and was promised one to be sent
foc by post. Apparently Elektor are inundated with complaints about
missing/damaged freebie boards, dunno if all requests for free
replacements are honoured.


Did he advise them of an entire missing shelf full? If not it's like
reporting a missing horse when what you really saw was an empty stable, not
the best way to get an appropriate response.
Did he advise them of an entire missing shelf full? If not it's like
reporting a missing horse when what you really saw was an empty stable, not
the best way to get an appropriate response.

I'd like to think of him as a modest man not too interested in stables
and horses, and he only claimed a board for himself. Meanwhile the
problem seems to be sufficiently known at Elektor, see some recent
postings in their forum.


[email protected] wrote in
I'd like to think of him as a modest man not too interested in stables
and horses, and he only claimed a board for himself. Meanwhile the
problem seems to be sufficiently known at Elektor, see some recent
postings in their forum.

I'm not overstating anything. It was you who raised the issue:
"Further to this, a friend bought the September issue from WHS
Cambridge. No board was found on any of the magazines on the shelf."

My point isn't to raise the value of his claim, it's nothing to do with
that. The point is that if a large business like W H Smith isn't going to
take care that the stock is sold intact or do anything to fix that or even
admit it, then Elector are going to have to carry the blame as well as the
cost of meeting claims. Who's going to tell them where the problem is, and
where it should be fixed? You can bet that W H Smith won't unless they saw
a shipment arrive already damaged. Stuff like that has to come from those
who see it directly, and most benefit from Elector not being put under
undue strain, after all if they can't get it fixed where it went wrong,
they'll pass the costs on to customers in the end, if they need to.

I didn't read any forums but it's not me you need to convince, is it?