Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ElectronicsPoint Facebook Group!

Whoever owns/hosts/runs this site, any chance of starting up a facebook group? If not i can...

I think it would be handy for the times this forum has issues/downtime/upgrades etc..

I'd get Ian's input before trying this.
Personally, I wouldn't use it. Most everything I want to know about what people are doing that they want to share,
I see in the posts existing here. (And Off-Topic Members Lounge). The fact that a Facebook account existed that was not under the authority of this forum's creator could/would be in conflict with his desires for oversight and control.
I believe Ian had specific ideas for this site, and a conflicting one with the same name smacks a little like pre-empting or dare I say hijacking of that which he created and which most of us very much enjoy.
I'm not criticizing your idea. I'm just leery of the unintended consequences.
Do we really want to be involved with other people who just want to chit-chat and aren't really interested in what goes on daily here.
As i pointed out in the original post, it's more for issues with this site, upgrades, downtime, it's hardly the right place to be able to replace a dedicated forum...

From a legal standpoint anyone can make that group, i have no intention of it despite your overly sensitive concerns
Cool, but your thoughts? Good/bad/stupid idea? :)

I think it's a good idea but I wouldn't want it to be a substitute for this site. However it would be good if people have posted a picture of themselves on Facebook. It's nice to see a face. It seems so alien sometimes on here because of that.
Reason for lack of photo... pure lazyness :)

A group is limited vs this forum very limited infact, it would purely be a place for to go when this site is having problems (server/dos attack/or just a scripting error) and the odd electronics problem, but i don't believe for 1 second it could replace a dedicated forum like this....
Facebook, who needs that for this forum?

This forum works very well as it is. I don't see any need to join the social media rat race.
As KJEAD posted "... it would be a non-solution to a non-problem".


Next time this forum is down you can't use the forum to find out why it's down, but this point seems alien to you...

I cant remember when the last time the forum was down at all or for any signif time ?? !!

ohhh it may have been down for a brief time a few weeks back when Ian did an upgrade to the site, but that was well warned as an upcoming interruption


If there was much desire to add a facebook group, then I could add a limited page - however I imagine it would just offload part of the discussion from here to FB, which would be a shame.

Is it mainly to monitor for site problems? If so, I can add a 3rd party status page perhaps?