I have a general question. Electronics articles sometimes state that a
circuit or electronic device such as a sensor has either low input
impedance or high input impedance. The articles never state why it's
important to know what the input impedance is.
I've seen both cases where a product is advertised with the low/high
impedance statement and suggesting that there product is somehow
better because of that statement.
Can someone explain when it's beneficial to have low input impedance
and when it's beneficial to have high input impedance?
circuit or electronic device such as a sensor has either low input
impedance or high input impedance. The articles never state why it's
important to know what the input impedance is.
I've seen both cases where a product is advertised with the low/high
impedance statement and suggesting that there product is somehow
better because of that statement.
Can someone explain when it's beneficial to have low input impedance
and when it's beneficial to have high input impedance?