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Maker Pro

Electronics and Snake Oil

  • Thread starter Nicholas O. Lindan
  • Start date

Nicholas O. Lindan

Kryten said:
One old quack medical machine had loads of dials (some were not
even connected to anything!).

"The cure that doesn't work for the disease you don't have"

Invented by a Dr. Abram, the founder of the science of Radionics,
they go by Oscilloclast, Pathoclast, Radioclast and a host of
other 'clasts., for the believers.

Advanced models had a bank of 40 knobs to twiddle. They were
connected, if you looked in the back, but only to each other. You
twiddled the knobs while rubbing a metal plate ("Wish Cotton was
a water melon.") until the plate felt 'sticky' (or was it not
sticky?). You read the dials and looked up the diagnosis in the

A Radioclast from the Bakken collection:

Radioncs was the hit of the year -- the alternatives from the legitimate
physicians including wet sheets, purgatives and mercury salts it is
not hard to understand why.

Dr. Abrams had patients overflowing his office, queuing to be treated
by this new (and painless) medical breakthrough. What to do?
Breakthrough: Dr. Abrams didn't need to see the patient, a lock
of hair placed in a cavity in the Radionics machine was enough for
diagnosis. Now sacks of mail arrived, each enclosing a $5 bill.

The next breakthrough. A switch was added to the machine
labeled "diagnose/treat". The good Dr. A. twiddled the knobs,
flipped the switch to 'treat' and billed the patient - $10
this time.

As most likely you didn't have the disease that was
diagnosed, curing it was assured.

It was soon found that a scrap of handwriting or a photograph
worked as well as a lock of hair. As did chicken blood ...
Send in a picture of the infested field and a farmer's troubles
were over.

My father was/is a collector of Abrams Radionics machines, and
at one time had the largest collection in the US (or so he said);
a lot of the collection is now sold off.

His reputation known, a practitioner of Radionics called one day
and said his machine wasn't working, could my father fix it? Why
of course, my father said, send me a picture of your machine and I will
put it in my machine and flip the knob to treat and it will be right
as rain in no time at all -- that will be $10 please.

Modern digital models of these machines are on ebay.
The more knobs the more expensive. Some with pyramids growing out
the top for extra potency.

Radionics is still used on Harley Street in the UK and (TTBOMK) considered a
legitimate treatment under the national health insurance. Also very
popular for treating horses.

But then, the Queen believes in Homeopathy. We can assume the Queen never
had a ruptured appendix.
It really annoys me that people are dumb enough to give these charlatans an

It's not the ears they are after ... can't make a dollar bill from
a pig's ear.

Tim Wescott

It's not the ears they are after ... can't make a dollar bill from
a pig's ear.
But if a lock of hair works, wouldn't an ear work just as well?


Hi Nicholas,
It's not the ears they are after ... can't make a dollar bill from
a pig's ear.

Actually you can. Maybe not a Dollar, but at least about half that minus
processing and other costs. Just ask our dogs, they love them. Pig ears
sell for around $12 per 25-pack at the wholesale store ;-)

Regards, Joerg

Rich Grise

The next breakthrough. A switch was added to the machine
labeled "diagnose/treat". The good Dr. A. twiddled the knobs,
flipped the switch to 'treat' and billed the patient - $10
this time.

As most likely you didn't have the disease that was
diagnosed, curing it was assured.

It was soon found that a scrap of handwriting or a photograph
worked as well as a lock of hair. As did chicken blood ...
Send in a picture of the infested field and a farmer's troubles
were over.

"Your daughter's pregnant, your son has VD, your wife has diabetes,
and if you don't quit wanking off you're going to get a pain that
goes around and around and around and shoots down your leg."


Rich Grise

But if a lock of hair works, wouldn't an ear work just as well?

Well, that one would be really easy to diagnose, but a little hard to
treat! [Eew!]


Rich Grise

Some of this stuff makes AudioQuack look as well grounded as classical

Too bad that in that whole big rant they don't even have a link to this
alleged "report." They'd have a lot more credibility, although zero times
anything is still zero, but if they said, "Here's the report the black
copters are repressing:" and gone on with some report that said, "such and
such a field was treated, and it was found that..."

Know what I mean?


Terry Given

Joerg said:
Hi Nicholas,

Actually you can. Maybe not a Dollar, but at least about half that minus
processing and other costs. Just ask our dogs, they love them. Pig ears
sell for around $12 per 25-pack at the wholesale store ;-)

Regards, Joerg

Hi Joerg,

Crikey, what do they feed the pigs - caviar? I buy dried pigs ears for
NZ$0.50 one-off, and Holly just loves them. Kinda like potato chips for
dogs :)



Hi Terry,
Crikey, what do they feed the pigs - caviar? I buy dried pigs ears for
NZ$0.50 one-off, and Holly just loves them. Kinda like potato chips
for dogs :)

Just don't overdo it since there is a lot of grease in these ears. We
cut them in half with pruning shears and then each dog gets one half per
day. These are full size dogs, 70 and 90 pounds. I also snip off any
sharp edges to avoid choking because dogs have a tendency to gulp it all
as fast as can, as if there was no tomorrow.

Regards, Joerg

Jim Thompson

Hi Terry,

Just don't overdo it since there is a lot of grease in these ears. We
cut them in half with pruning shears and then each dog gets one half per
day. These are full size dogs, 70 and 90 pounds. I also snip off any
sharp edges to avoid choking because dogs have a tendency to gulp it all
as fast as can, as if there was no tomorrow.

Regards, Joerg

I just give my dogs twisted rawhide sticks.

...Jim Thompson


Hi Jim,
I just give my dogs twisted rawhide sticks.

We also used to do that until our big one almost died after a chunk of
that got stuck in his intestines. At least that's what the vet suspected
after finishing the surgery.

Regards, Joerg