Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Electronic fireflies in a jar

Hello all - First time posting and I'm very new to the soldering/electronics in general so go easy on me. I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable in this area can look at my project and let me know what's wrong with it, how it can be done more efficiently, easier, cheaper, etc.

What I'm wanting is multiple flickering/pulsating LEDs spinning around inside a glass mason jar. Alternatives that don't work for me include: This is only one LED :(
and These don't move and there is no ON/OFF switch.

Nothing has really been started yet as I'm awaiting parts in the mail but I'm planning on connecting four amber LEDs to an adjustable LED flasher kit. This kit can be adjusted to a pulsing and flickering effect which is what I'm going for. This adjustable flasher module is powered by a 9 volt that I plan on splicing a single pole single throw ON/OFF slider switch into that. I want this entire LED system to rotate 360 degrees at 15-20 rpm so I purchased a 1.5-4.5 vdc tiny motor but I could not find an ESC or voltage controller to control the rpm that was small enough or cheap enough. I was just going to find out when I hooked it all together but my fear is if I attach this motor without a speed control directly to that same 9 volt, it may rotate too fast...I don't even know how to go about calculating something like that.

This setup will be fixed to a cardboard to plastic round cutout about 2.5 inches in diameter; this will (mostly) fit inside the lid of a 32 oz. glass mason jar. The glass jar will mostly likely be frosted glass so hiding the 'guts' isn't a concern. I plan on making 15 or more of these jars containing these guts because they will be used as table centerpieces for a wedding - this is why I would like for it to be as cheap as possible. At my current setup each jar & guts will cost $8.00, I would like to keep it under $20 per jar. Here is a crude drawing of what my current setup is, the motor is fixed to the lid of the jar as well as the plastic/cardboard disk so that the disk is what spins.

Ideally, I would like an ON/OFF switch poking through the lid of the jar but with my current setup I know that isn't possible.

Any thoughts for improvement?

TLDR: Multiple LEDs attached to an adjustable flasher module that needs to rotate 360 degrees at 15-20 rpm while enclosed in a 2.5 inch diameter space; ideally would like a master ON/OFF switch located outside this space.

Thanks a million!
If you want cheap and simple (might be a little noisy)... The mechanics of getting reliable turning can complicate the entire build so I would shy away from it unless you wan to engineer it to work reliably...

Make a 'tree' like structure out of thin gauge piano wire, attach the blinky LEDs along this structure...

At the base of the 'tree' tape on a cheap vibration motor (they can be had a Radio Shack) the vibration motor will shake the tree and the LEDs will move...

The same concept can be used in your design, hang the disc from a string and have the vibration motor glued or taped to the disc, it will jump and turn all over the place...

BTW make sure the business end of the vibration motor is free spinning or else you won't get much vibration...

Also get some diodes, you can easily temper down the vibration motor with a diode or two to drop the voltage (even if it drops bellow specs it might still be enough)...
This is what I wanted, someone to bounce off an idea that makes me go "why didn't I think of that?" This has given me some ideas and I plan to play around with what you've given me - Perfect! Thank you so much CocaCola!
Glass jars mostly used for canning and preserving food or jams. Country people generally have a decent supply so kids would use them to catch fireflies as well.