Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Electronic Door Activated Socket

Hi, I was hoping for any advice that could help me build my door activated socket project! I'm trying to build a socket that turns off when that door is opened. This is for a friends son who goes to a boarding school. He always says how he studies after the 'curfew' and gets told off if a teacher checks his room. I am trying to create a device which he can plug his lamp into and then when the door opens *teacher walks in* the socket will turn off, the lamp will go out, and he will look like he's asleep! Any ideas or help would be gratefully received. I have some basic knowledge of electronics however I'm no whizz!

Thanks, Max Tate.

ps. I want to keep expenditures under £15 and I have a 3 week deadline!
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For someone with your level of knowledge to mess with mains wiring at a boarding school sounds like criminal negligence to me.


yes that's a good model of push button. For the wiring it' s all depend of the existing installation and if you can easily add wire in the existing tubing or add a new tube or....better to check that locally with your electrician friend, and yes working on the main voltage must be done CAREFULLY !!!
