Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Electrolyte-less Capacitor

Hi all,

Having two parallel conductive plates with a separator inbetween with NO electrolyte whatsoever, can they function as a capacitor? if so how about voltage?

Most capacitors do not have an electrolyte. Most have a dielectric, this may be vacuum, air, plastic or aluminium oxide in electrolytic capacitors.
Voltage is limited by the breakdown of the dielectric. Vacuum is best, modern plastics are very good and the dielectic constant is much higher than one so the capacitor can be much smaller.

Harald Kapp

The electrolyte is not what makes the capacitor. It is the very thin aluminium oxide interface layer separating the electrodes which creates the capacitance of an electrolytic capacitor. The electrolyte is conductive and serves to maximize the contact to the rough surface of the aluminium electrode. More details you'll find at the website linked to by @bertus ' excellent link.