Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Electrical specs for PS/2 devices?

Does anyone have detailed electrical specs for the PS/2 interface?
Google is not my friend; I'm finding billions of Playstation links,
and basic specs for COTS keyboards, but nothing detailed enough.

I want to interface a 3.3V micro (with 5V-tolerant inputs) to a PS/2
keyboard; can I simply operate the clk/data pins in "open collector"
mode with a pullup to +5V?

Or is this even necessary - what's Vih for the keyboard; will 3.3V
driven from the micro in totem-pole mode be high enough?


Rich Grise

Does anyone have detailed electrical specs for the PS/2 interface?

They're all over the place.
Google is not my friend;

Then why are you posting from it?
I'm finding billions of Playstation links,
and basic specs for COTS keyboards, but nothing detailed enough.

Try googling for "PS/2 keyboard interface spec".

Good Luck!

Paul E. Schoen

Don't reply to spam (as you did elsewhere), and if you do, don't quote the


David L. Jones

Does anyone have detailed electrical specs for the PS/2 interface?
Google is not my friend; I'm finding billions of Playstation links,
and basic specs for COTS keyboards, but nothing detailed enough.

You didn't try too hard.
Google almost anything to do with "PS/2 interface" and wikipedia is your
first link:
and that links to the excellent Beyond Logic site:
I want to interface a 3.3V micro (with 5V-tolerant inputs) to a PS/2
keyboard; can I simply operate the clk/data pins in "open collector"
mode with a pullup to +5V?

Yes, that's how it works.
