Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Electric Guitar Ampenstein

1471419687160-2071429933.jpg 1471419687160-2071429933.jpg how do i create ELECTRIC GUITAR AMPENSTEIN
ive got a behringer guitar amp head and my line 6 practice amp. ive alsi got a pretty kick ass stereo in my woodshop. the behringer amp was $20 on clearance at a pawn shop so wth, bought it. it wasnt getting power. it was blowing fuses. i bypassed the power switch and wired it directly to a pig tail to plug it in so its all or nuthin
hooray! board lit up. after finding which of the 23 inputs in the back made sound come out of speaker plugged into said input, i found that while it now works, the various sounds and noises it says it makes dont work. the smaller line 6 has a board everything works on. the harnesses and boards and everythings different. lol. how do i get the effects of the line 6 to the earth shakingly powerfull cabinet head to use its amplification powers? does that make sense? also what cool stuff can i do with a magnetron? lol bend wood?;)
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Let's start with some actual information, like the company name, product name, and model number for each amp, plus close-up photos of the front and rear panels. Or, even better, schematics.
