Maker Pro
Maker Pro

EL wire and high voltage AC switching question


UK Pete

Hi all,
I need to switch high voltage (1kV at 2kHz AC), low current to
sequence some electro luminescent wires. I'm working on the trigger
sequencer and I have the high voltage/ high frequency PSU but I'm not
sure what kind of device/technique to use for the actual switching
between 5 channels. Any suggestions greatfully received.
Thanks in advance,
UK Pete

UK Pete

UK said:
Hi all,
I need to switch high voltage (1kV at 2kHz AC), low current to
sequence some electro luminescent wires. I'm working on the trigger
sequencer and I have the high voltage/ high frequency PSU but I'm not
sure what kind of device/technique to use for the actual switching
between 5 channels. Any suggestions greatfully received.
Thanks in advance,
UK Pete

... Ooops Make that 200V AC @ 2kHz...

UK Pete

Sorry Dan, I should have made that clear. The AC is 2 kHz but the
switching speed is only up to 20Hz and it looks like John has found the
ideal component. The only problem is I can't find a supplier that
doesn't sell them by the dozen or so. I can't even find a price on
them. I want to ideally keep the cost low as possible.
Thanks for the replies!

UK Pete

UK Pete

Wow. Thanks for all the thought and time taken to post replies!
I looked at the waveform from the inverter on a 'scope and found it to
be nearer 130V and around 5kHz which wasn not as it was specified to
me. The waveform appeared not too far off sinusoidal which I was
surprised at. I also found some MOC 3020s on Ebay and paid just 18
pence each for them so I'll give them a go anyway.
Let me know if you want a couple of them to play with and I'll stick
'em in the post for free.
Thanks again,

UK Pete