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Effect of high household voltage on TV?


Jonathan Grobe

I have a 32" Toshiba TV. Today I had problems with my
household electrical current; apparently a bad neutral
connection resulting in probably 160 volts or so in one wire
and 60 volts or so in the other. The TV appears now appears
totally dead (except for a small light next to the power
switch (apparently indicating power is on). Assuming these
voltage variations caused the TV's problems (it was working
fine before). what are the possibilities of what it likely
damaged--and a rough idea of repair costs? (I am wondering if
I should take it to a repair shop or just get a new one--model
is CE32H15, 5 years old or so}

Thank you.

Sam Goldwasser

I have a 32" Toshiba TV. Today I had problems with my
household electrical current; apparently a bad neutral
connection resulting in probably 160 volts or so in one wire
and 60 volts or so in the other. The TV appears now appears
totally dead (except for a small light next to the power
switch (apparently indicating power is on). Assuming these
voltage variations caused the TV's problems (it was working
fine before). what are the possibilities of what it likely
damaged--and a rough idea of repair costs? (I am wondering if
I should take it to a repair shop or just get a new one--model
is CE32H15, 5 years old or so}

If you like the way the TV was working before it died, get
an estimate. It may not be that bad. Conceivably just a
blown fuse or other simple problem.

Tell them what happened. If it was off at the time of the
incident, probably in the pwoer supply. If on, might also
or be in deflection.

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Also, if your supply voltage in your residence is varying that much you will
see more damage to electrical devices in the future. Have an electrician
checkout your supply to determine just why there is such a variance. May
also get your local electrical supply company to come out and check their
feed to your residence, in case there is a problem in their drop or
transformer. Not only is there a probable chance of damage to your
equipment, it is also a safety issue since this can be condusive to wire
related household fires.


I'm no electronics whiz, but when this happened to mine during a lightening
storm it blew a small capacitor/resistor in the back of the TV which was
acting like a fuse. Cost $15.00 to have repaired.