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EE Professors -- Textbook recommendation needed, please!


Steven O.

Background: I am posting this inquiry on behalf of a slightly
overworked EE professor at the local community college. I am
currently taking a distance learning class on circuit fundamentals,
and the professor is planning to offer a distance learning class on
basic transistor and amplifier theory in the near future -- as soon as
this Spring, if possible. Among the holdups is that she needs to find
the right textbook, ASAP. (And for my part, I am hoping to take the
class this Spring, which is why I am helping her in her textbook

Obviously, she needs a decent textbook in basic transistor and
amplifier theory, something at roughly the level of "Electronic
Devices" by Floyd (Prentice Hall).

The kicker, however, is this: The way she runs her distance learning
classes, she wants to be able to give her students fairly detailed
solutions to all the homework problems, and she doesn't always have
time to work out all those solutions herself (she is running multiple
distance learning classes). Therefore -- she needs a textbook where
the publisher will provide, to faculty members, detailed, worked
solutions to the homework problems in the text, preferably in
electronic form (such as .pdf), so she can send these solutions out to
the students.

The way my current class is working is, we first try to work the
homework problems on our own; but then compare our own efforts to the
solved solutions (sorry, I guess that phrasing is redundant), both so
we can see if we've done it correctly; and so if we have not done the
problem correctly, we can learn how to do it right. For this class on
circuits, we are using "Engineering Circuit Analysis" by Hayt, and
apparently they do provide her with the solutions in .pdf form, so she
can send them to us. Apparently, she has so far been unable to find a
similar text for transistor theory and applications.

I've checked the Web site for "Electronic Devices" by Floyd myself --
I happened to pick up the text a few years ago -- and I cannot tell
from that site whether or not the publisher provides detailed
solutions for the HW problems at all, let alone provides them in .pdf
format or similar.

Anyway, bottom line: I (we, actually) appreciate any recommendation
for a good sophomore/junior level textbook on transistor theory/basic
applications, plus appropriate related topics -- basics of op-amps,
oscillators, you probably know what else applies -- where the
publisher will provide, to the instructor, .pdf or similar files with
detailed, worked-out solutions to the homework problems presented in
the textbook.

Please be kind enough to send leads my way, via this newsgroup or the
e-mail (slightly mangled, below), and I will forward them to the

Steve O.
steveqdr useThatFirstPartJustAsIs AATT RemoveSpamProtectPhrase Yahoo


Hello Steven,

If I'd have to start out again I would certainly pick Horowitz, Hill:
"The Art of Electronics". Winfield Hill is actually an active
participant in this newsgroup (

A source that might help in distance learning would be MIT. AFAIK they
placed most if not all of their courses online. But I have no idea how
this can be handled from a copyright point of view. Best would be to
talk to them about it.

Regards, Joerg

RST Engineering \(jw\)

Steven O. said:
Background: I am posting this inquiry on behalf of a slightly
overworked EE professor at the local community college.

So are all of us overworked EE professors at the community college level.
Comes with the territory. If she doesn't understand that now, god help her
in the years to come.

The kicker, however, is this: The way she runs her distance learning
classes, she wants to be able to give her students fairly detailed
solutions to all the homework problems, and she doesn't always have
time to work out all those solutions herself (she is running multiple
distance learning classes). Therefore -- she needs a textbook where
the publisher will provide, to faculty members, detailed, worked
solutions to the homework problems in the text, preferably in
electronic form (such as .pdf), so she can send these solutions out to
the students.

The first time you offer an on-line course, you had best be prepared to
spend five to ten times the time you spend in a B&M (bricks and mortar)
class setting the sucker up and doing all the detailed explanations that you
can do in the classroom with chalkboard. You don't have that luxury on

The upside to that is that once you have the course "canned" it is about ten
percent of the work of a B&M class for years to come.

If your instructor doesn't understand this, gently inform her of the way the
real world works.




One option is Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits by Paynter
(Prentice Hall). The companion site is at

Your professor should check with professors at other colleges that offer
distance learning in the EE field. They may be her best source for textbook
recommendations and to educate her about what is required to set up a useful
distance learning course and the virtual labs that may go with it. Among
others, Old Dominion University (Norfolk, VA) offers several distance
learning courses.



Fred said:
Background: I am posting this inquiry on behalf of a slightly
overworked EE professor at the local community college...[snip]

McGraw-Hill has bundled a complete course that even a community college
"professor" can handle, this book gets good reviews:
My experience is that "turnkey" solutions never are turnkey. Just the same
the Malvino texts are usually pretty good, rarely excellent, more about
practical, less about deep theory.


Steven said:
Background: I am posting this inquiry on behalf of a slightly
overworked EE professor at the local community college. I am
currently taking a distance learning class on circuit fundamentals,
and the professor is planning to offer a distance learning class on
basic transistor and amplifier theory in the near future -- as soon as
this Spring, if possible. Among the holdups is that she needs to find
the right textbook, ASAP. (And for my part, I am hoping to take the
class this Spring, which is why I am helping her in her textbook

Obviously, she needs a decent textbook in basic transistor and
amplifier theory, something at roughly the level of "Electronic
Devices" by Floyd (Prentice Hall).

The kicker, however, is this: The way she runs her distance learning
classes, she wants to be able to give her students fairly detailed
solutions to all the homework problems, and she doesn't always have
time to work out all those solutions herself (she is running multiple
distance learning classes). Therefore -- she needs a textbook where
the publisher will provide, to faculty members, detailed, worked
solutions to the homework problems in the text, preferably in
electronic form (such as .pdf), so she can send these solutions out to
the students.

The way my current class is working is, we first try to work the
homework problems on our own; but then compare our own efforts to the
solved solutions (sorry, I guess that phrasing is redundant), both so
we can see if we've done it correctly; and so if we have not done the
problem correctly, we can learn how to do it right. For this class on
circuits, we are using "Engineering Circuit Analysis" by Hayt, and
apparently they do provide her with the solutions in .pdf form, so she
can send them to us. Apparently, she has so far been unable to find a
similar text for transistor theory and applications.

I've checked the Web site for "Electronic Devices" by Floyd myself --
I happened to pick up the text a few years ago -- and I cannot tell
from that site whether or not the publisher provides detailed
solutions for the HW problems at all, let alone provides them in .pdf
format or similar.

Anyway, bottom line: I (we, actually) appreciate any recommendation
for a good sophomore/junior level textbook on transistor theory/basic
applications, plus appropriate related topics -- basics of op-amps,
oscillators, you probably know what else applies -- where the
publisher will provide, to the instructor, .pdf or similar files with
detailed, worked-out solutions to the homework problems presented in
the textbook.

Please be kind enough to send leads my way, via this newsgroup or the
e-mail (slightly mangled, below), and I will forward them to the

Steve O.
steveqdr useThatFirstPartJustAsIs AATT RemoveSpamProtectPhrase Yahoo
The University of Wyoming is big into distance learning including GE and
Surveying. Try looking at their offerings.