Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Early Sony Beta-era schematic needed


Jim Adney

I recently picked up a Sony AC-220, which is just a line powered power
supply to power an old portable Sony Beta camera and recorder. If you
remember these, you probably also remember that the AC-220 would also
charge the big NP-1 NiCad battery packs that those portables used.

Well, this AC-220 has some problems and I need a schematic if I'm
going to have any chance of fixing figuring this out.

Any of you old VCR repair guys got a schematic you could scan for me,



Ken Weitzel

Jim said:
I recently picked up a Sony AC-220, which is just a line powered power
supply to power an old portable Sony Beta camera and recorder. If you
remember these, you probably also remember that the AC-220 would also
charge the big NP-1 NiCad battery packs that those portables used.

Well, this AC-220 has some problems and I need a schematic if I'm
going to have any chance of fixing figuring this out.

Any of you old VCR repair guys got a schematic you could scan for me,

Hi Jim...

Darn, one whole power supply just sold for 10 dollars in your money
on ebay :(

The good news is that the ad will remain for at least a few more
days. Perhaps if you were to mail the winning bidder he might
be willing to scan the schematic for you? Or perhaps he's into
this stuff and might have help/advice for you? :)

Just a thought.


Jim Adney

Darn, one whole power supply just sold for 10 dollars in your money
on ebay :(

There's a good chance that was me. ;-)

Or did you mean someone sold one along with the service manual?

I'd be willing to buy a service manual if someone out there had one.


Ken Weitzel

Jim said:
There's a good chance that was me. ;-)

Or did you mean someone sold one along with the service manual?

I'd be willing to buy a service manual if someone out there had one.


If someone out here had a zip of 4 gif's that can be pasted together
to produce the schematic of the power supply/timer section would
that be OK? :)

Not _certain_ that it's precisely the one you want, but even if not
it's probably better than nothing, eh?

Lemme know if you can take about 350k (before mime)

Take care.


Jim Adney


If someone out here had a zip of 4 gif's that can be pasted together
to produce the schematic of the power supply/timer section would
that be OK? :)

That would be terrific! I've gone ahead and sent you a separate email
thanking you and giving you a better address to send a large file like
that to.



Jim Adney

If someone out here had a zip of 4 gif's that can be pasted together
to produce the schematic of the power supply/timer section would
that be OK? :)


I got the file you sent, but I haven't had time to print it out and
look at it closely. At first glance, however, it does not appear to
the schematic for the AC-220. It just has a power input board labeled

I can't tell what this is for, but that's not Japanese; I think it's
Arabic. I can read a TINY bit of Japanese, enough to be sure this is
not Japanese, but not a bit of arabic, so I'm not so sure of what it
actually is.

Where did you come across this?

Thanks for offering to send it.


Ken Weitzel

Jim said:

I got the file you sent, but I haven't had time to print it out and
look at it closely. At first glance, however, it does not appear to
the schematic for the AC-220. It just has a power input board labeled

I can't tell what this is for, but that's not Japanese; I think it's
Arabic. I can read a TINY bit of Japanese, enough to be sure this is
not Japanese, but not a bit of arabic, so I'm not so sure of what it
actually is.

Where did you come across this?

Thanks for offering to send it.

Hi Jim...

Glad you got it; sorry it's not of as much help as we'd hoped. Had my
fingers crossed that the ac-2 would be at least related to ac-220 :)

I dunno what language those characters are... it's all Greek to me :)

Years ago I used to run a BBS, if you're old enough to know what that
was... a huge one. (wrote shareware) Had over 3 million files
available for download in its heyday, including an enormous collection
of schematics and other service related stuff.

Board is long since down, but I still have all of it, capable of
running (winserver), and all the hundreds of CD's, so I simply
started it up and searched file descriptions for sony + vcr and came
up with this one.

Take care.


Jim Adney

Glad you got it; sorry it's not of as much help as we'd hoped. Had my
fingers crossed that the ac-2 would be at least related to ac-220 :)

I dunno what language those characters are... it's all Greek to me :)

I got the pages pasted together with PhotoShop today and printed it
out on our plotter at work. Now all I have to do is find our local
native Arabic speaker. He was out of his office every time I tried to
find him today, but I'm pretty sure this is Arabic. It will be
interesting to see if it tells us what this is actually for.

I'll let you know what I find out.
Years ago I used to run a BBS, if you're old enough to know what that
was... a huge one. (wrote shareware) Had over 3 million files
available for download in its heyday, including an enormous collection
of schematics and other service related stuff.

Oh, yes, I remember, and sometimes regret, the demise of BBS. I guess
that I have to admit that Newsgroups are even better, however, because
the audience is larger. Well, USUALLY that's a good thing. ;-)
Board is long since down, but I still have all of it, capable of
running (winserver), and all the hundreds of CD's, so I simply
started it up and searched file descriptions for sony + vcr and came
up with this one.

Wow, that certainly sounds like it might have required a lot of
effort. Did you have to run thru lots of CDs, or do you have an index
that is more readily accessible?

At any rate, I'm still looking for a schematic for a Sony AC-220.

Thanks very much for all your efforts, Ken.
