Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Early EPROMs with inconsistent pinouts?

I've heard that some early EPROMs had inconsistent pinouts (different manufacturers had different pinouts despite the same model).
Is this correct, and if so -which EPROMs and manufacturers are we talking about? 2716? 2732? 2764?
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Thanks for the pinout link.
I think I figured it out from this and this link as well as the above pinout diagram which confirms it:

It appears that Texas Instruments' TMS-2716 is the one with the different pinout from the industry standardized 2716 chips from all other manufacturers. They did however eventually come out with the TMS-2516 which is the same thing as a standardized 2716.

When it comes to the 2732 I read that Texas Instruments never made one, but designed their own version of it called the TMS-2532, but unlike the TMS-2516, this one is NOT compatible with standard 2732 chips! TI sure messed up big time!!
So concluding:

TI TMS-2716: NOT compatible with standard 2716 EPROMs
TI TMS-2516: compatible with standard 2716 EPROMs
TI TMS-2532: NOT compatible with standard 2732 EPROMs

Moral of the story: stay away from TI EPROMs for pin-pin compatibility across brand names.