Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Early 1970's Radar Range

I own an early 1970's Amana Radarange (with the analog dials and all
chrome front). It still works great but the window is all clouded and
dirty inside. I have a replacement I'd like to use. Here's my
problem... I can't remove those "safety" screws they used on the
And I can't seem to find any tools that will work either. These are
not regular "safety screws" but look like something specially
BY Amana. I plan on replacing them with normal screws if I can just
get the old ones out. Does anybody know where I can find the proper
tool for removing those screws?

Sam Goldwasser

Tim said:
I would suggest using an old socket or small pipe and grind away part
to form three post that fit the head of the screw.

Yeah, those are a pain. What I did was to take one screw I had like that
and hammer a piece of pipe over it to form the inside of the pipe to the
three notches. But if you don't have another similar screw, I wouldn't recommend
doing this on the microwvae though as the vibration of hammering will not be
good for it!

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Meat Plow

Here's a photo of what the screws look like:
It's not a "tri-wing". The center part is raised. It seems like the
tool would need to be a hollow piece (like a socket) with 3 notches
the sides to grab on to the screws. That's what I need.

If the head is big enough take a punch and tap the screw in a
counterclockwise direction on one of the three slots just enough to
loosen it up then grab it with a pair of needle point pliers.

Homer J Simpson

Here's a photo of what the screws look like:
It's not a "tri-wing". The center part is raised. It seems like the
tool would need to be a hollow piece (like a socket) with 3 notches
on the sides to grab on to the screws. That's what I need.

I looked at my collection of security bits - don't have that one. I'd take a
piece of 1/4" rod and saw and grind it to fit. You could also cut the tip
off a dollar store screwdriver and do the same.

Andy Cuffe

I own an early 1970's Amana Radarange (with the analog dials and all
chrome front). It still works great but the window is all clouded and
dirty inside. I have a replacement I'd like to use. Here's my
problem... I can't remove those "safety" screws they used on the
And I can't seem to find any tools that will work either. These are
not regular "safety screws" but look like something specially
BY Amana. I plan on replacing them with normal screws if I can just
get the old ones out. Does anybody know where I can find the proper
tool for removing those screws?

I managed to get those out once using small pliers. As soon as you
loosen them, they should come out easily.
Andy Cuffe

[email protected]

Captain Midnight

I own an early 1970's Amana Radarange (with the analog dials and all
chrome front). It still works great but the window is all clouded and
dirty inside. I have a replacement I'd like to use. Here's my
problem... I can't remove those "safety" screws they used on the
And I can't seem to find any tools that will work either. These are
not regular "safety screws" but look like something specially
BY Amana. I plan on replacing them with normal screws if I can just
get the old ones out. Does anybody know where I can find the proper
tool for removing those screws?
I own an early 1970's Amana Radarange (with the analog dials and all
chrome front). It still works great but the window is all clouded and
dirty inside. I have a replacement I'd like to use. Here's my
problem... I can't remove those "safety" screws they used on the
And I can't seem to find any tools that will work either. These are
not regular "safety screws" but look like something specially
BY Amana. I plan on replacing them with normal screws if I can just
get the old ones out. Does anybody know where I can find the proper
tool for removing those screws?

a dremel with grinding disc will put a slot in the heads. But the
early 70s nukes are so lacking in safety features I'd replace it.


N Cook

I own an early 1970's Amana Radarange (with the analog dials and all
chrome front). It still works great but the window is all clouded and
dirty inside. I have a replacement I'd like to use. Here's my
problem... I can't remove those "safety" screws they used on the
And I can't seem to find any tools that will work either. These are
not regular "safety screws" but look like something specially
BY Amana. I plan on replacing them with normal screws if I can just
get the old ones out. Does anybody know where I can find the proper
tool for removing those screws?

Will the central pin shear off with a pin punch and hammer, or a ball-mill ,
like those annoying IBM computer monitor central pip screw heads ?
Then lefthand drill and LH drill bit, then easyout if the drill itself does
not shift them, if fabricating a tri-wing screw-driver variant fails.

James Sweet

a dremel with grinding disc will put a slot in the heads. But the
early 70s nukes are so lacking in safety features I'd replace it.


What safety features? As far as I know, they had all the same interlocks
as modern ovens. Microwaves have not changed much in the last 30 years
other than cost reductions. Those old Amana microwaves are classic,
built like tanks and last forever. Wish I had one myself.

Homer J Simpson

What safety features? As far as I know, they had all the same interlocks
as modern ovens. Microwaves have not changed much in the last 30 years
other than cost reductions. Those old Amana microwaves are classic, built
like tanks and last forever. Wish I had one myself.

Ever checked one for leakage? ISTR they claimed to cook a chicken in 15
minutes or less. Not while I'm in the same room!

Jeff, WB8NHV

Ever checked one for leakage? ISTR they claimed to cook a chicken in 15
minutes or less. Not while I'm in the same room!

Amana wasn't the only manufacturer to build its microwaves solidly
and to last. I have a Sharp Carousel digital microwave I bought new
seven years ago. Still works very well in daily use, although I think
the door switches are either very dirty or starting to go bad--the
oven will sometimes shut off before the end of a timed cycle. Opening
and closing the door several times gets it going again.

BTW, I had relatives (now deceased) who owned a digital version of
the Amana Radarange (they must have bought it in the mid-1970s). I
don't think they had even one repair done on it in the 20-some years
they had it.

Microwaves have changed in the last thirty years, but the changes
have been minor, mostly to the control circuitry (most micros these
days have at least one microprocessor which runs the whole thing). The
old Amana Radaranges didn't have the instant-action keys most of
today's digital micros sport (my Sharp has nine such buttons on its
touch control panel), not to mention dedicated popcorn, beverage
reheat, minute plus, etc. Those mid-seventies Amanas with digital
controls had circuitry that was state-of-the-art at that time, but
which would be considered horribly outdated and obsolete.

BTW (2) : Microwaves with spring-wound dial timers can be had for
almost ridiculously low prices these days. For someone who rarely
uses a microwave oven, these are good, I guess, but for anyone who
puts their oven to daily use, I'd suggest getting a digital model with
touch controls. These aren't terribly expensive anymore (just a bit
more than the analog ovens) and will last longer. The dial timer will
eventually wear out in any of today's analog micros; in fact, it
wouldn't surprise me if the magnetron outlasts the timer in these

Jeff Strieble, WB8NHV (email addy not shown to deter spammers)
Fairport Harbor, Ohio USA

Homer J Simpson

BTW (2) : Microwaves with spring-wound dial timers can be had for
almost ridiculously low prices these days. For someone who rarely
uses a microwave oven, these are good, I guess, but for anyone who
puts their oven to daily use, I'd suggest getting a digital model with
touch controls. These aren't terribly expensive anymore (just a bit
more than the analog ovens) and will last longer. The dial timer will
eventually wear out in any of today's analog micros; in fact, it
wouldn't surprise me if the magnetron outlasts the timer in these

I bought a Sharp with the auto sensor. I highly recommend this model. The
Panasonic with variable power is nice but prone to failure and the
combination convection/microwave is a PITA to keep clean - buy a separate
convection oven.

James Sweet

Homer said:
Ever checked one for leakage? ISTR they claimed to cook a chicken in 15
minutes or less. Not while I'm in the same room!

High cooking speed does not mean they were leaky. Commercial microwave
ovens are readily available with the same 1200W power rating. We had a
1200W Litton MinuteMaster for decades that would nuke a hotdog in 8
seconds flat. After many years of using that as a kid I've still got
eyeballs and no extra appendages.
What safety features? As far as I know, they had all the same interlocks
as modern ovens. Microwaves have not changed much in the last 30 years
other than cost reductions.

We dont have Amana Radaranges here, so I'm talking early 70s nukes
generally here...

Carbon loaded rubber seals instead of modern choke door frames meant
much greater susceptibility to leakage. These oldies should, if used
at all, be leakage tested regularly.

Interlocks are the big safety issue. Modern ovens have 2 independantly
operated switches which apply a short across the mains if either
switch fails. Early 70s stuff didnt have that setup, just one switch
failure and you're cooked.

The worst models I've seen actually cooked with the door partway open
due to poor interlock design and misalignment, which is prone to

Then theres the final safety issue of uneven heating. This causes
cases of food poisoning when cooking meat. In this respect nukes have
come a long way since the early 70s.

Is the radarange one with an open downwards door? If it is, thats a
safety issue too to some extent.

Its upto the OP of course, but if I had one that old I'd replace it.
Its the interlock issue that would concern me, have seen too many
machines with a bad switch go through the shorting trick to want to
trust a machine with no such protection.


Homer J Simpson

Interlocks are the big safety issue. Modern ovens have 2 independantly
operated switches which apply a short across the mains if either
switch fails. Early 70s stuff didnt have that setup, just one switch
failure and you're cooked.

The worst models I've seen actually cooked with the door partway open
due to poor interlock design and misalignment, which is prone to

The one I saw in Alaska had a microwave built into a regular oven (in a
stove). Scared the crap out of me when I looked at how poorly the door

James Sweet

We dont have Amana Radaranges here, so I'm talking early 70s nukes
generally here...

Carbon loaded rubber seals instead of modern choke door frames meant
much greater susceptibility to leakage. These oldies should, if used
at all, be leakage tested regularly.

Interlocks are the big safety issue. Modern ovens have 2 independantly
operated switches which apply a short across the mains if either
switch fails. Early 70s stuff didnt have that setup, just one switch
failure and you're cooked.

The worst models I've seen actually cooked with the door partway open
due to poor interlock design and misalignment, which is prone to

Then theres the final safety issue of uneven heating. This causes
cases of food poisoning when cooking meat. In this respect nukes have
come a long way since the early 70s.

Is the radarange one with an open downwards door? If it is, thats a
safety issue too to some extent.

Its upto the OP of course, but if I had one that old I'd replace it.
Its the interlock issue that would concern me, have seen too many
machines with a bad switch go through the shorting trick to want to
trust a machine with no such protection.

The Amana ovens were top of the line, the Rolls-Royce of microwave
ovens. They were built like tanks, most had stainless interiors and real
glass windows in the doors. They were the first on the market and real
commercial quality units, my grandparents had one of these they paid a
small fortune for in the early 70s. I believe all microwaves sold in the
US have had multiple interlocks since the very start.
The Amana ovens were top of the line, the Rolls-Royce of microwave
ovens. They were built like tanks, most had stainless interiors and real
glass windows in the doors. They were the first on the market and real
commercial quality units, my grandparents had one of these they paid a
small fortune for in the early 70s. I believe all microwaves sold in the
US have had multiple interlocks since the very start.

Thats something the OP could tell us, whether there are 2 sticky out
things on the opening door edge or one. Older interlocks on the hinge
side were not safe.


Homer J Simpson

I managed to get those out once using small pliers. As soon as you
loosen them, they should come out easily.

IME as long as they are not flush, most any screw can be persuaded out with
a good heavy pair of side cutters. Get a firm grip and use a screwdriver as
a lever.