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Maker Pro

Early 1970's Fairchild Transistor Question

I obtained 3 different Fairchild Transistors with date codes of 1970 & 1971.
EN914, EN722, & EN1132
Does anyone know the significance of the prefix 'EN' on these transistors.
I'm wondering if they're just early markings that later transferred over to the JEDEC '2N' prefix,
or if they are some other transistor, not equivalent to the '2N' transistors.

Harald Kapp

Google EN914 and look at data (3 down on search)
That doesn't answer the question at least not with the search results I obtained.

My guess is that the EN prefix is company specific. I haven't been able to obtain detailed information of this prefix whereas the 1N and 2N prefixes are well explained.
I found 2N914 transistors, but only a crude datasheet. You'd have to compare the relevant parameters to find out whether the transistors you have are useable in your application.
I'd maybe keep them as a curiosity and get some modern transistors for my projects.
Thanks for the replies (and help with where to look for info).
The EN914 is equivalent to the 2N914, I'll continue looking for the other two.
I gave-up on asking Fairchild for information, they divided-up their electronic divisions long ago, then started trying to
reincorporate them under different ownership. The guys running the show there now, are completely disconnected from
what the original parent company did.
I'm sure Harald is right about this 'EN' prefix being company specific. And thanks Bluejets for directing me to an actual datasheet for the EN914.
I obtained these parts from the estate of a guy who left a lot of 1960's and 1970's components that are specifically marked with
U.S. Navy identification. I don't know if he was in the Navy, or supplied parts to it. While most of the parts I received are mil spec, the Fairchild transistors with the 'EN' prefix were mysterious to me.
Thanks again for the help.
Thanks gorgon. Those old data books (referencing parts that don't always show-up in Google searches), come in pretty handy.
Don't suppose I'll ever find-out WHY Fairchild used the 'EN' prefix on some early 1970's transistors.
The EN prefix is simply the Plastic-bodied equivalent of the 2N.
Reason for "E" obscure, but the Fairchild / SGS (Società Generale Semiconduttori) may have thought "plastic Encapsulation"..
Here's the data from an old 1973 T.I.T.S. .....



Here are the short data for the transistors.
I found them in my old "Transistor-Taschen-Tabelle":


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Thanks FuZZ1L0G1C, bertus, and Nanren888 for all of the information.
I appreciate all of the time you took to find this information.
When I see some of the early semiconductors in old gear that needs evaluation for refurbishing, I frequently
get frustrated when I'm unable to find data sheets on obsolete components. Fairchild was sold, and whenever
I ask them for early component data, they have no idea what I'm talking about. Often, the devices I'm trying
to identify are older than the people who work there now, and their view of the world is limited to sometime after
they were born. Anything older is an ancient relic unworthy of their consideration.
Glad to see some of us still have an interest in the components that started us on the journey to where electronics
has evolved to today.
In the beginning, transistors came in metal cans and (eventually) almost all part numbers started with 2N. Then came non-metallic critters with various company-specific designation indicating a "normal" part in a different package, such as EN (epoxy) and PN (plastic). Always check the datasheet, but I have yet to run across one that wasn't equivalent to a previous 2N part.
