Maker Pro
Maker Pro

E-scooter/bike battery charger

I'm sorry if this is such a ridiculously simple thing to post here, but I am having an issue with my battery charger. This one:

Ezip/Izip Scooter and Bike Standard Charger, 24v1.5a SLA, XLR (can't post direct link, sorry)

That's all the info I have on it. No specs came with the charger. The 3 point plug that plugs into the battery broke both solder joints at the wire - red and black. The 3 points are numbered (1,2,3) and 2 & 3 are bridged by a short wire. 1 & 3 were where the wires had been soldered. My question is: which post (1 & 3) get the pos/neg? Pix are attached and I appreciate any assistance on this so basic, basic, basic question.


  • battery charger 1.jpg
    battery charger 1.jpg
    23.6 KB · Views: 398
  • battery charger 2.jpg
    battery charger 2.jpg
    138.7 KB · Views: 339
im sorry, is there some information i have not included that could help someone assist me better? or is this just too simple a question that no one will lower themselves to answer the obviously not-an-electronics-guy? im sorry, my micrometer isnt broken - my battery charger is.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It's almost impossible to tell.

Can you look at the wires connected to the socket and maybe figure it out from there?
Thanks Steve. No the socket is in the sealed battery. I thought of that but I didn't want to start prying apart the case! OK, well thank you then, I appreciate the response.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
In that case, try plugging in the socket and measuring the voltage (if any) across the bare connections.

If you're lucky, they will be connected directly to the battery and you'll be able to identify +ve and -ve.

If not, there is a reasonable chance that at least one of the connections connects directly to a battery terminal. If you can determine which one does so, then you can likewise determine the correct polarity.