Maker Pro
Maker Pro

E liquid stirring plate

Hello. This is my first post here.
I'm trying to make a magnetic stirring plate to steep my home made E liquids I made a prototype with some crap I found around my house. The got parts both work fine. One I chucked away and the second was supposed to be two 80mm 12v pic fans with a long strong bar magnet glued to the top. There were supposed to be switches for each fan but that didn't work out. It eats through battery's. So my question is what should I do to get the switches to work and install a power cable I can plug in to the wall. Thx
A 12V wall wart (power pack) should easily deliver the required current. Simple toggle switches for on/off or, if you are feeling ambitious, a PWM speed controller could be added.
Thanks. Will that be enough for two fans. I used a battery rack with 8 AA's and the ran out within 48h and the first fan in the loop spins faster than the 2nd. First time doing something like this.
Check the label on the fan - it should show the power consumption (i.e. 12V @800mA or whatever).

Sum the two CURRENTS as shown and then purchase as power pack that has at LEAST the sum total current - more is ok, less is not recommended.

Wire the fans in parallel. Their free-running speed probably won't match - many fans these days have a third wire intended for speed measurement and control (by feedback) - but matched speeds isn't probably necessary for you????

PWM motor speed control modules are available widely across eBay etc, not at all expensive and potentially very useful for your application.