Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DVD Recorder to Audio Recorder


I have an old DVD recorder i would like to convert into a type of audio recorder, working on the same principle has a CD or Minidisc recorder. I have connected it to a amp with a FM tuner deck and received sound but it would not record when i pressed the button it stayed on pause.i've been told it needs TV setup. If someone could please advise i would be most grateful

The device most likely requires a video input as well as Audio.
You can get the video source from anywhere, just make sure it gets one.
(Use the video out from the TV Tuner, Satellite, a video game console or anything else.
Hello Gryd3

I'm sorry for being so late in replying to your reply, thanks anyway.

I was hoping there were electronic engineers on here that build recorders or Hi-Fi equipment and could advise me. What i would like do, is open up the recorder, add. move, remove components from the motherboard eliminating the video signal and having it just record the audio.

I'd imagine a DVD recorder works on the same principle as a CD reorder or minidisc recorder apart from the video signal.

What you ask for is more complicated than you think...
I am not yet an engineer, although at some point I would like to be.

I can tell you that DVD, and CD are two completely different animals.
Audio can be recorded in a couple different methods on a CD, both of which require handling and processing the audio differently.
Audio can also be recorded on DVD without video... but as it stands the machine you have would need to be re engineered to such an extent that you should just go buy another unit... Your device will currently record video, and encode an audio stream within the video file. If you want to tinker inside it and make it record just audio. You will need to rewire/reprogram it to record a completely different format on the DVD. To make things more interesting. You need to reprogram it to a standard so that another player can play the audio.

I think it's best if you do some research on the audio formats that are commonly stored on CD/DVD to see for yourself why this is such a complicated task.