Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DVD Movie I made will not play

I burned a DVD R disk with a slide show - it works on my computer but when I put it in a portable DVD player it says is has to be DVD Movie and cannot read - help why is this and can you buy blank discs like this to burn?:(


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You have simply written a format that the player can't read.

Just because the media fits doesn't mean it will work.
As *steve* said.
If you intend to do this often, ensure your recorder (burner) format is compatible with
your play-back device.
There may be programs to compensate for what you did in this case, but I don't know.
I use Sony and Toshiba actual DVD recorders, not a computer. They play back on
everything I have, including the computer. As a side-note, if you consider this, as a
few people found-out in posts here previously. If you use a DVD recorder, you MUST,
'finalize the disc', or it won't play back on anything except the original recorder you used to burn the disc in the first place.
I'm wondering if anybody else here ever heard of software commercailly available to
convert incompatible formats, or if once you record in one, you're stuck with it.