This seems a lot simpler, ( I wonder what they aren't telling the
"Algae, even in a regular, horizontal, open pond system, can produce up
to 20,000 gallons of oil per year"
The problem is that the this would make you think that there is 20,000
gallons of diesel fuel equivalent. There isn't. I am a strong proponent
of algae biofuels, but I wish these people would stop all the hype and
tell it like it is, From a pond system you can get 1500 gallons and from
a bag system you can probably get 3000 gallons of real diesel. At this
point everyone runs away screaming it will take too much land. But it
won't. The land and the water are free and plastic bags just don't cost a
lot of dough. So how much for the solar collectors and the pumps and
tanks? Algae farming is much more cost effective than any standard
agricultural fuel production and that is what we should be looking at. We
should be asking how much can we afford to pay the people that run the
farm while amortizing the cost of the pumps and the bags and the hangers
and solar collectors and motors. And you can only do a 3 year
amortization on the bags and a ten year amortization on the rest.
There will be no greenhouse because that costs too much. The farms should
be located surrounding the Sea of Cortes for the amount of sunlight, the
saltwater, and the free land, no freezes, and no bad storms. AT last,
NAFTA may pay off.
I am not Mr. Business. I have no idea whether 3000 gallons per year of
real stuff is profitable of not. But if what I have specified doesn't
work then it is not workable. And BTW -- Corn and all the rest of the ag
stuff sucks. IT seems to me that 10 years is the life of this deal
because in 10 years we will have better options. Those cement ponds cost
to much for a 10 year life. Bag it.
"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers
of society but the people themselves; and
if we think them not enlightened enough to
exercise their control with a wholesome
discretion, the remedy is not to take it from
them, but to inform their discretion by
education." - Thomas Jefferson