Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Dual Polarity high current OF PSU computer

You could use and isolated DC-DC converter to generate -12V from the +12V or +5V.

How much current are we talking about?

Edited: Actually a buck-boost converter will give you a negative output without being isolated, this is even better.

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The simple way is to buy a +- 12V power supply.

I will not answer any more of your questions until you answer mine.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Of course you could use two old PC power supplies and put the 12V positive outputs in series. That would give you the +/- 12V supply at high current and low (or no) cost.

Be careful, the ground could be tied to mains earth.

Internally however, you could manipulate the circuit to generate a high current -12V supply if you were VERY careful.

That would make one power supply +12V on the +12V rail, and the other -12V on the +12V rail.

To do this you need to understand exactly how that power supply rectifies and filters the output and what feedback there might be from this rail.
this way is valid and safe(true way)??please answer me...

Steve is probably right. I measured a couple of pc supplies and they all had the minus output connected to the metal case (earth).

Your pictured circuit would work if you only supply earth to the left power supply. The metal case of the right supply would then need to be isolated, because it would be connected to -12V.

I am not allowed to officially recommend such approach though, because the pc power supplies are intended to be run with a solid earth connected (EMC and security reasons).