Maker Pro
Maker Pro

dual opamp, only need 1?

the circuit only needs one op amp,
I have lots of TL082s and im wondering what I should do with the unused op amp?
leave it be? or something else?

Harald Kapp

im wondering what I should do with the unused op amp?
leave it be? or something else?
Never leave unused inputs of any IC open unless this is specifically stated in the datasheet. Connect them to defined potential, e.g. ground or Vcc. Use Pull-down or Pull-up resistors, this will allow you to easily repurpose these inputs in case you should want to use the unused opamp (even if you don't want to use it now).
Op-amps are a bit different to terminate properly. You should always have feedback like a unity gain non inverting buffer and either connect the non inverting terminal to 0V for split rail PSU or mid supply for single supply PSU.


Harald Kapp

Op-amps are a bit different to terminate properly. You should always have feedback like a unity gain non inverting buffer and either connect the non inverting terminal to 0V for split rail PSU or mid supply for single supply PSU.
Of course, you're completely right there, Adam.