Maker Pro
Maker Pro

dual complementary transistors


steve marchant

Returning temporarily to hobby electronics after 30 years, can't find a
non-SOT case version of a npn/pnp transistor combo. Eyes dim, hands shaking,
can barely see the damn SOT things leave alone mount them on pcb. Any
suggestions (may have common base internal connection and needs to switch at
least 100 mA)?

Phil Allison

"steve marchant" <[email protected]
Returning temporarily to hobby electronics after 30 years, can't find a
non-SOT case version of a npn/pnp transistor combo. Eyes dim, hands
shaking, can barely see the damn SOT things leave alone mount them on pcb.
Any suggestions (may have common base internal connection and needs to
switch at least 100 mA)?

** What a strange question.

PNP plus NPN pairs on the same chip are rare as hen's teeth - cos is is near
impossible to make good devices in both polarities that way.

Dual transistors in PNP and NPN are common, as that is the way to get
excellent device matching for diff pairs et .

For a complementary pair, for switching applicatons - for heaven's sake use
TWO devices.

How about BC639 and BC640 - glued together if you like ??

...... Phil

John Tserkezis

Phil said:
How about BC639 and BC640 - glued together if you like ??

At the time when this design was popular, using two transistors on the same
substrate ensured they were more closely matched than any old two separates
from a bin.

I knew associates who bought many, and sat with a transistor tester for
hours to find close matches.

Today, you wouldn't do it anymore, there are better ways of doing just about
everything. But if you're in the repair game, you might not have the luxury,
funds or time to re-design from scratch...

Phil Allison

"John Tserkezis"
Phil Allison

At the time when this design was popular, using two transistors on the
same substrate ensured they were more closely matched than any old two
separates from a bin.

** Shame you did not read my post before sniping it -


" PNP plus NPN pairs on the same chip are rare as hen's teeth - cos is is
impossible to make good devices in both polarities that way. "

..... Phil

Phil Allison

"John Tserkezis Wog IDIOT "

I never claimed I read any of your posts before snipping Phil.

** Seems to make no difference if you read them or not.

Either way - nothing goes in to your impenetrable, autistic skull.

...... Phil

Alan Rutlidge

Phil Allison said:
"John Tserkezis Wog IDIOT "

** Seems to make no difference if you read them or not.

Either way - nothing goes in to your impenetrable, autistic skull.

..... Phil

Now, now Philthy. Calm down, make a good strong cup of tea and take a
stress pill.

Alan Rutlidge

ian field said:
A cyanide pill would be much better.
Hmmmm... but knowing Philthy, he probably is like Rasputin the mad monk,
who supposedly had hyperacidity and avoided sugar so cyanide probably won't
do the trick. All rumour and conjecture of course.