Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DSO Standby?

hi all - i'm retired now & have just started to renew my interest in electronics again after 40 years.

my wife bought me a dso (atten ads1062cal) but the user manual is written in japanese.

i've been playing about with it but noticed that it kind of switches off after about 15 minutes or so with only the dispay, run/stop & ch1 buttons lit.

i've looked at an english pdf manual & there is no mention of a standby mode or anything - would be grateful if someone could advise - thanks


hi there
welcome to the forums :)

yeah, couldnt see anything obvious there myself
maybe try and contact the manufacturer ?
how do you "wake it up" pushing any button or a specific button ?

I guess there is the possibility it has a fault

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hi there
welcome to the forums :)

google is full of user manuals for the ATTEN ADS1000 series scopes

here's just one example

havent read through all of it
have a look and see if it helps :)
if nothing else it will give you an english version of the manual


hi dave thanks for your reply - i played around & found a utilities menu that listed a screensaver function - it was set to 15 min (about the time it was switching off) - to confirm i set it to 1min & it switched off the screen accordingly.

i was initially concerned in case faulty & as mentioned there is nothing in the manual(s) about this.
generally i found the manual to be "a difficult to impossible read" probably due to the poor translation which is a shame as the scope seems quite good.

i also bought a new instek f/gen & the user manual is great.




hey George

yes quite a reasonable scope considering their budget price.
I had one at the last place I worked, dont recall it going into a standby mode tho haha
