Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DSC Power 632 DIY questions

I bought and wired up this kit from SmartHome:

The PC1555MX (AKA Power 632) seems to have the same programming as the
DSC 5010 Power 832. I've spent quite a bit of time reading past posts
in the newsgroup. However, I'm stuck on a handful of items:

1. The toughest one is getting panel feedback. While the keypad does
give the binary value of the first digit when in programming mode, the
emergency keys do not move to the next digit as the Installation manual
states. So while I would love to give the actual panel data, I haven't
found a way to retrieve it.

2. Stay mode doesn't work as advertised. I currently have 4 doors zoned
as Delay 1 and one motion sensor as Interior. Stay mode does bypass the
motion sensor. However, the doors are still on delay in Stay mode. How
can I program the panel to give an instant alarm when a Delay 1 door is
violated in Stay mode?

3. I wired the telephone jack using some instructions that Robert Bass
posted in this newsgroup a while ago. The phone line seems to be
properly hooked up because I'm no longer getting a fault for TLM once I
reactivated it. I have had no luck in getting pager mode to work.
Following a post here I programmed sections 160, 310, 310, 360, and 365
with reasonable data. I also added the D before the telephone number
and a handful of E's after. I'm working on a direct dial right now.
According to the installation instructions, selecting *6<Master> then 4
activates the alarm and all keypad indicators for 2 seconds, then is
supposed to send a communications status via the telephone. The first
two items occur as described. However, the phone never rings. I did
program the system status code and a reasonable account number for the
first telephone number.

Any help with these items would be greatly appreciated. Also if there's
a post in the newsgroup somewhere that I may have missed, a pointer to
it would be welcome.



Frank Olson

I bought and wired up this kit from SmartHome:

The PC1555MX (AKA Power 632) seems to have the same programming as the
DSC 5010 Power 832. I've spent quite a bit of time reading past posts
in the newsgroup. However, I'm stuck on a handful of items:

1. The toughest one is getting panel feedback. While the keypad does
give the binary value of the first digit when in programming mode, the
emergency keys do not move to the next digit as the Installation manual
states. So while I would love to give the actual panel data, I haven't
found a way to retrieve it.

It's best to just repeat what you've entered and make sure you've
programmed the correct data that way.

2. Stay mode doesn't work as advertised. I currently have 4 doors zoned
as Delay 1 and one motion sensor as Interior. Stay mode does bypass the
motion sensor. However, the doors are still on delay in Stay mode. How
can I program the panel to give an instant alarm when a Delay 1 door is
violated in Stay mode?

Stay *instant* will only activate if you press (*), (9), and your four
digit code.

3. I wired the telephone jack using some instructions that Robert Bass
posted in this newsgroup a while ago. The phone line seems to be
properly hooked up because I'm no longer getting a fault for TLM once I
reactivated it. I have had no luck in getting pager mode to work.
Following a post here I programmed sections 160, 310, 310, 360, and 365
with reasonable data. I also added the D before the telephone number
and a handful of E's after. I'm working on a direct dial right now.
According to the installation instructions, selecting *6<Master> then 4
activates the alarm and all keypad indicators for 2 seconds, then is
supposed to send a communications status via the telephone. The first
two items occur as described. However, the phone never rings. I did
program the system status code and a reasonable account number for the
first telephone number.

If the system isn't monitored try entering a code for the programmed
test transmission. If you leave this field as "FF" when you've
activated the "Pager" option, the panel won't transmit anything. If you
don't want it calling you except for in an emergency then leave this
field blank ("FF"). If you program burg and fire zones to transmit a
signal, arm the system and trip it. It should dial out to your pager then.

Frank Olson


What format are you using? I'd suggest CID, your pager will display 6
numbers, a 4 digit account code and 2 digit CID code. You have to program
the code you want the panel to send in zone section.
I use D and EEEB after the area code and number for my commercial pager.
Tedious to program by keypad... suck up to a dealer here to download it, are
you local to 613 741- (that's me)
Just change your installer code after the download.

I bought and wired up this kit from SmartHome:

The PC1555MX (AKA Power 632) seems to have the same programming as the
DSC 5010 Power 832. I've spent quite a bit of time reading past posts
in the newsgroup. However, I'm stuck on a handful of items:

1. The toughest one is getting panel feedback. While the keypad does
give the binary value of the first digit when in programming mode, the
emergency keys do not move to the next digit as the Installation manual
states. So while I would love to give the actual panel data, I haven't
found a way to retrieve it.

2. Stay mode doesn't work as advertised. I currently have 4 doors zoned
as Delay 1 and one motion sensor as Interior. Stay mode does bypass the
motion sensor. However, the doors are still on delay in Stay mode. How
can I program the panel to give an instant alarm when a Delay 1 door is
violated in Stay mode?

3. I wired the telephone jack using some instructions that Robert Bass
posted in this newsgroup a while ago. The phone line seems to be
properly hooked up because I'm no longer getting a fault for TLM once I
reactivated it. I have had no luck in getting pager mode to work.
Following a post here I programmed sections 160, 310, 310, 360, and 365
with reasonable data. I also added the D before the telephone number
and a handful of E's after. I'm working on a direct dial right now.
According to the installation instructions, selecting *6<Master> then 4
activates the alarm and all keypad indicators for 2 seconds, then is
supposed to send a communications status via the telephone. The first
two items occur as described. However, the phone never rings. I did
program the system status code and a reasonable account number for the
first telephone number.

Any help with these items would be greatly appreciated. Also if there's
a post in the newsgroup somewhere that I may have missed, a pointer to
it would be welcome.



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Mark Leuck

I bought and wired up this kit from SmartHome:

The PC1555MX (AKA Power 632) seems to have the same programming as the
DSC 5010 Power 832. I've spent quite a bit of time reading past posts
in the newsgroup. However, I'm stuck on a handful of items:

1. The toughest one is getting panel feedback. While the keypad does
give the binary value of the first digit when in programming mode, the
emergency keys do not move to the next digit as the Installation manual
states. So while I would love to give the actual panel data, I haven't
found a way to retrieve it.

The fire keys move to the next digit
I tried the fire keys. No response. Do they need to programmed somehow?

I also have an update on the telephone interface. No dice. I
experimented with with download interface by configuring the panel to
initiate a user selected dialout. The dialer did not cut out the phone
that the panel is connected to.

I wired the panel directly to the telephone network interface,
bypassing the RJ-31X jack. I'm clearer on the purpose of the jack.
However, it should not have affected the operation of the panel dialer.
As shown in the installer diagram, I wired the incoming tip/ring from
the central office to the tip/ring on the panel and wired the R1/T1
lines back to the network interface and then to the phones. The phones
work fine, but no luck on the dialer.

Any suggestions?



Check section 380 option 1, is your communicator enabled? Yes, then check
302, do you have your pager telephone # programmed here? Yes, then check
311, have you programmed an account code for the second telephone number?
Yes, then check 360, have you programmed 05 for your second telephone number
(pager) format? Yes, then check 361 through 368 - "Communicator Call
Directions" note that for ALL signals, sending to the 2nd telephone number
is disabled by default. If you have all these signals enabled to send to the
2nd (pager) number then check 370 - swinger shutdown limits, perhaps nothing
will send because you are over the limit. .Make sure your panel time is set
as the swinger will reset either on arm/disarm or at midnight. Watch out for
your communicator format esp. with regards to section 381 i.e. Programmed
vs. Automatic reporting codes. "Programmed reporting codes", whether Contact
IDor SIA will not attempt to dial if 00 or FF is programmed (default) for
any signal
Lastly, RTFM especially 5.9 Pager Format:

The Communicator Format option for either telephone number

can be programmed as Pager format. If an event occurs and

the Communicator Call Direction options direct the call to a

telephone number with the Pager Format selected, the panel

will attempt to page.

When calling a pager, extra digits will be required in order for

the format to function properly. The following is a list of Hex

digits and the functions they perform:

Hex - simulates the [*] key on a touch tone telephone

Hex [C] - simulates the [#] key on a touch tone telephone

Hex [D] - forces the panel to search for dial tone

Hex [E] - two second pause

Hex [F] - marks the end of the telephone number

The panel will attempt to call the pager once. Once the appropriate

telephone number is dialed, the panel will send the

account number and Reporting Code followed by the [#] key

(Hex [C]).

The panel has no way of confirming if the pager was called

successfully. A Failure To Communicate trouble will only be

generated if the panel detects a busy tone on all dialing

attempts, or if no dial tone is detected on all dialing attempts.

The pager format will not cause any form of ringback.

NOTE:The Pager Format cannot be used with the LINKS1000

cellular communicator.

NOTE:Do not use the digit C in a reporting code when using

Pager Format. In most cases, the digit C will be interpreted as

a [#], which will terminate the page before it has finished.

NOTE:If the panel detects a busy signal, it will attempt to page

again. It will make the maximum number of attempts programmed

in section [160].

NOTE:Force dialing should be disabled when using Pager format.

NOTE:When using Pager format, you must program two hex

digit E's at the end of the telephone number
I don't think it's a programming problem. I've attempted to use three
completely different mechanisms for dialing out from the panel (pager,
CommID, downloading). None of them have worked. I've gotten no
indication that the panel has the ability to seize the phone line. The
only indication that I have that the phone line is even connected to
the panel is the lack of a TLM fault and the fact that the phone that
is connected downline of the panel works.

What is the simplest way to just check for line seizure/dialout? I may
have to send this panel back to SmartHome due to a defective dialer.



I don't think it's a programming problem. I've attempted to use three
completely different mechanisms for dialing out from the panel (pager,
CommID, downloading). None of them have worked. I've gotten no
indication that the panel has the ability to seize the phone line. The
only indication that I have that the phone line is even connected to
the panel is the lack of a TLM fault and the fact that the phone that
is connected downline of the panel works.

What is the simplest way to just check for line seizure/dialout? I may
have to send this panel back to SmartHome due to a defective dialer.


Do you hear the relay click? :)
And pick up a house phone, it should be dead when the dialler seizes the

How are you trying to send a signal exactly? keypad panic? entry delay
instant zone tripped?

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I was right. User error. At one point in time I had 3 phone lines wired
to the house. I eliminated one line. But it was still wired in the
network interface. I wired the panel to the defunct line. I guess it
had enough of a signal not to trip the TLM.

It's wired and dialing. Now it's off to relocate the pager delivery
number for my Cell phone service and testing out code delivery to it.

Thanks for all the suggestions.


Frank Olson

I was right. User error. At one point in time I had 3 phone lines wired
to the house. I eliminated one line. But it was still wired in the
network interface. I wired the panel to the defunct line. I guess it
had enough of a signal not to trip the TLM.

It's wired and dialing. Now it's off to relocate the pager delivery
number for my Cell phone service and testing out code delivery to it.

Thanks for all the suggestions.


That's why I carry a butt-set. I like to make sure there's an actual
dial tone. Using a VOM, you sometimes get what's close to actual line
voltage when in fact there's no dial-tone.