Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DSC MaxSys Status



Hello -- it's me again,

Is there any way to get a MaxSys LCD keypad to display the zone that
triggered an alarm either while the alarm is sounding &/or right after
disarming w/o having to view the memory?

Right now, the keypad displays

Projector Alrm
In Alarm

.... which is better than nothing but my users (primarially others in
my department and the University Police folks) don't use this enough
to remember exactly how to view the memory, so it would be great if I
could do something to get it to show something along the lines of

K1107 Magnapull
In Alarm

[Where "K1107 Magnapull" is the zone name]

I've read the manual fairly thoroughly (I think) and I've come arcoss
an option to display just about everything EXCEPT the zone in alarm on
the keypad.

On a similar note, is there any way to automatically scroll through
the zones that are faulted while the keypad is idle? I got used to
that feature long ago on the FBII XL-31 and it just seems so basic I
can't beleive there's not some way to do it on something as
comprehensive as the 4020



Mark Leuck

You have to add the zone into the LCD description although it depends on if
you have enough space to do it, I think DSC gives you up to 16 characters

For example "1 Projector Alrm"


Interested said:
Hello -- it's me again,

Is there any way to get a MaxSys LCD keypad to display the zone that
triggered an alarm either while the alarm is sounding &/or right after
disarming w/o having to view the memory?
On a similar note, is there any way to automatically scroll through
the zones that are faulted while the keypad is idle?

I had the same trouble a few months ago. AFAIK, the MaxSys will neither
automatically scroll zones in alarm, nor open zones while disarmed. The
1555, 5010, and 5020 will though.

Mark Leuck

alarman said:
I had the same trouble a few months ago. AFAIK, the MaxSys will neither
automatically scroll zones in alarm, nor open zones while disarmed. The
1555, 5010, and 5020 will though.

Thats only with later versions of keypads if I recall, the older ones didn't
do that


Mark Leuck

alarman said:
Mark Leuck wrote

That's right.

Unfortunately I always had the older ones :)

I wonder if they did the same thing to the Maxsys keypads which appear to
now look like 5010 keyads?


To provide an idiot proof solution, use a PC4216 output module and make a
custom display graphic with LEDs on it to indicate zone alarm. To bring it
one step further, assign two LEDs to one zone, a green LED to indicate zone
status, and a red LED to indicate alarm, works really well in a corporate
enviroment and really impresses the heck out of your competition. From your
original post, sounds like you are using it to monitor portable projectors
in multiple rooms ? Just imagine having a floor plan of the complex hanging
on the wall in your control centre, at a glance, you can tell right away if
the projectors are still plugged in and secured with the green LED while
it's disarmed, and if the projector been unplugged while it 's armed with
the red LED.

The Maxsys keypad is just too complicated for janitors, guards, emergency
response people, or any other people that are technically challenged. The
keypad display does not have enough field to provide detail zone description
and to make matter worse, a lot of installs are done with a single keypad
configured as global in a multi-partitioned setup just to save a few
dollars, man, you won't believe the grief after hour support techs have to
deal with.


Mark Leuck wrote
I wonder if they did the same thing to the Maxsys keypads which appear to
now look like 5010 keyads?

Nope. Those dogs won't hunt.


A.J. said:
To provide an idiot proof solution, use a PC4216 output module and make a
custom display graphic with LEDs on it to indicate zone alarm. To bring it
one step further, assign two LEDs to one zone, a green LED to indicate zone
status, and a red LED to indicate alarm, works really well in a corporate
enviroment and really impresses the heck out of your competition. From your
original post, sounds like you are using it to monitor portable projectors
in multiple rooms ? Just imagine having a floor plan of the complex hanging
on the wall in your control centre, at a glance, you can tell right away if
the projectors are still plugged in and secured with the green LED while
it's disarmed, and if the projector been unplugged while it 's armed with
the red LED.

The Maxsys keypad is just too complicated for janitors, guards, emergency
response people, or any other people that are technically challenged. The
keypad display does not have enough field to provide detail zone description
and to make matter worse, a lot of installs are done with a single keypad
configured as global in a multi-partitioned setup just to save a few
dollars, man, you won't believe the grief after hour support techs have to
deal with.

Good points and _VERY_ cool idea... Unfourtinately not too practical
for my needs [and no competition to impress -- we're a university and
we do it in-house]. I wish I could implement it...maybe on the next
project. Wall space is a major issue here [I'm still getting crud for
how much space the LCD4501 occupies!], plus we don't really have a
staffed control center outside of the {cramped) University Police
dispatch office... 3/4 of a mile from the buildings I'm protecting.

Most of the normal operation is -- and will be -- monitored by UPD
using T-Link cards in each panel and a copy of ReporterIP / using DLS
2002 (me) or SA (others in my dept.)

You are also mostly correct about what these systems do (currently at
3) -- they are monitoring permanately installed video projectors (on
security mounts) bolted to the ceiling... Vibration sensor on the
mount (in case someone starts taking whacks at it, only armed "after
hours") and magnapulls with armored cables mounted to the projector
(24 hour zone, bypassed if necessary for work). In therory, the system
is _always_ ready with no zones violate... I'm still working a few
wiring issues out though.

And you are INCREDIBLY correct about the complexity of the DSC keypad.
I have a hard time figuring out exactly what I want/need to do some
times. And what's up with the 5 buttons (ending in "exit", can't
remember the top 4) that don't seem to do anything? I don't see any
sections in programming for any of these buttons.

The lack of automatic scrolling is annoying especially with alarm
memory...and you can change EVERY freaking prompt on the keypads
except the ones you actually want to change... My coworkers are
snapping at me because "In Alarm" isn't clear "I've never heard anyone
talk like that...maybe its the right term but what does it mean?",
"Can't you change it to 'alarm sounding' or 'Someone is stealing a

Same thing with "Zone open", etc., etc.

And trying to tell someone how to figure out which 24 hour zone
triggered an alarm from the keypad when there are are other alarms in
memory (i.e. the system has not been armed/disarmed) is nealy
hopeless... From memory: *3[6-digit user code], scroll to last item in
list. Sometimes. Ignore everything that has already triggered an
alarm. Most of the time.

My coworkers are starting to chalenge me to write custom EPROMs for
the thing [We are, after all, an IT orginization with a thick "roll
your own" heritage]...And I'm getting irritated to the point where it
may actually make its way on to my todo list.

Thankfully once I bring these fully online we should only see a few
alarms a year and there should never be anything leftover in memory
when one of those happens.

[Who explained to a not-too-bright coworker that randomly yanking a
Magnapull cable out of its mount is not a good idea. Especially when
your (armed) police officers have gaurnteed response. (The call was
canceled before too much happened)]


a simple printer on a shelf connected to a pc4401 and all event can be
printed as it happen and its damn idiot proof..

(unless the idiot cant read)...

Interested said:
A.J. said:
To provide an idiot proof solution, use a PC4216 output module and make a
custom display graphic with LEDs on it to indicate zone alarm. To bring
one step further, assign two LEDs to one zone, a green LED to indicate
status, and a red LED to indicate alarm, works really well in a corporate
enviroment and really impresses the heck out of your competition. From
original post, sounds like you are using it to monitor portable
in multiple rooms ? Just imagine having a floor plan of the complex
on the wall in your control centre, at a glance, you can tell right away
the projectors are still plugged in and secured with the green LED while
it's disarmed, and if the projector been unplugged while it 's armed with
the red LED.

The Maxsys keypad is just too complicated for janitors, guards, emergency
response people, or any other people that are technically challenged. The
keypad display does not have enough field to provide detail zone
and to make matter worse, a lot of installs are done with a single keypad
configured as global in a multi-partitioned setup just to save a few
dollars, man, you won't believe the grief after hour support techs have
deal with.

Good points and _VERY_ cool idea... Unfourtinately not too practical
for my needs [and no competition to impress -- we're a university and
we do it in-house]. I wish I could implement it...maybe on the next
project. Wall space is a major issue here [I'm still getting crud for
how much space the LCD4501 occupies!], plus we don't really have a
staffed control center outside of the {cramped) University Police
dispatch office... 3/4 of a mile from the buildings I'm protecting.

Most of the normal operation is -- and will be -- monitored by UPD
using T-Link cards in each panel and a copy of ReporterIP / using DLS
2002 (me) or SA (others in my dept.)

You are also mostly correct about what these systems do (currently at
3) -- they are monitoring permanately installed video projectors (on
security mounts) bolted to the ceiling... Vibration sensor on the
mount (in case someone starts taking whacks at it, only armed "after
hours") and magnapulls with armored cables mounted to the projector
(24 hour zone, bypassed if necessary for work). In therory, the system
is _always_ ready with no zones violate... I'm still working a few
wiring issues out though.

And you are INCREDIBLY correct about the complexity of the DSC keypad.
I have a hard time figuring out exactly what I want/need to do some
times. And what's up with the 5 buttons (ending in "exit", can't
remember the top 4) that don't seem to do anything? I don't see any
sections in programming for any of these buttons.

The lack of automatic scrolling is annoying especially with alarm
memory...and you can change EVERY freaking prompt on the keypads
except the ones you actually want to change... My coworkers are
snapping at me because "In Alarm" isn't clear "I've never heard anyone
talk like that...maybe its the right term but what does it mean?",
"Can't you change it to 'alarm sounding' or 'Someone is stealing a

Same thing with "Zone open", etc., etc.

And trying to tell someone how to figure out which 24 hour zone
triggered an alarm from the keypad when there are are other alarms in
memory (i.e. the system has not been armed/disarmed) is nealy
hopeless... From memory: *3[6-digit user code], scroll to last item in
list. Sometimes. Ignore everything that has already triggered an
alarm. Most of the time.

My coworkers are starting to chalenge me to write custom EPROMs for
the thing [We are, after all, an IT orginization with a thick "roll
your own" heritage]...And I'm getting irritated to the point where it
may actually make its way on to my todo list.

Thankfully once I bring these fully online we should only see a few
alarms a year and there should never be anything leftover in memory
when one of those happens.

[Who explained to a not-too-bright coworker that randomly yanking a
Magnapull cable out of its mount is not a good idea. Especially when
your (armed) police officers have gaurnteed response. (The call was
canceled before too much happened)]