Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DSC 4020 and notification



I have a customer that has a huge building with AML loopes so dont suggest
switching systems.. they are want to have a person at the front desk be
notified when a door opens, i suggested a keypad, but they cost about $100
and the guy can't rely on these people to work them .. i suggested an output
to something like a LED, and he says that if the people dont have words,
they wont figure it out .. any ideas? i have PGM 2 as AML, and were talking
bout 5-6 doors


Frank Olson

Marc said:
I have a customer that has a huge building with AML loopes so dont suggest
switching systems.. they are want to have a person at the front desk be
notified when a door opens, i suggested a keypad, but they cost about $100
and the guy can't rely on these people to work them .. i suggested an output
to something like a LED, and he says that if the people dont have words,
they wont figure it out .. any ideas? i have PGM 2 as AML, and were talking
bout 5-6 doors

Simple... Use a building "graphic" with LED's at the appropriate doors.
Use a green LED for when the door's closed and a red one for when the door's
open. Any "nimrod" would understand that... It sounds to me like the guy's
a "cheapo" (from your comments about the keypad), so I doubt this suggestion
will work either. This sounds like one of those customers you're *never*
going to be able to satisfy.


Use a DSC PC4216 output board and custom made a box with brush aluminum face
plate, drill 16 holes on the face plate and install LEDs inside the hole
with the PC4216 inside the box.

It doesn't cost much to custom build a graphic annunciator either. Get a
regular picture frame and put a CAD drawing for the floor plan in as the
picture, drill holes at the appropriate doors and install miniture LEDs in
them and drive them with a DSC PC4216 module.