Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DRC Error in PCB Design

I am using Eagle cad to design PCB. I am trying to convert schematic into PCB Layout


When I check DRC I get three error's I don't understand why I get the error

someone, please tell me how to remove all three errors

An airwire is an unrouted trace. Your image shows three of them clearly (the very thin lines connecting pads). Once you route these, the error should go away.

I'm not an Eagle expert, but there should be a way to turn off DRC until more of the board is routed. Then as a check of the final design, turn on DRC. If there is an airwire underneath a decal or trace where it can't be seen, DRC will find it.

To aid in orientation and troubleshooting, it is common practice to make the pin #1 pad a different shape from the other pads in a decal. Typically, most pads are round or oval, and the pin 1 pad is square or rectangular. This makes a big difference when you are poking around on the bottom side of the board where you cannot see the legend for orientation.

Does the board need mounting holes? Assembly number and revision sticker? Bare PC board part number?

To aid in orientation and troubleshooting, it is common practice to make the pin #1 pad a different shape from the other pads in a decal. Typically, most pads are round or oval, and the pin 1 pad is square or rectangular. This makes a big difference when you are poking around on the bottom side of the board where you cannot see the legend for orientation.

Does the board need mounting holes? Assembly number and revision sticker? Bare PC board part number?

Yes, I will make it mounting holes on PCB. D1 and R1 are the assembly number. I didn't understand the revision sticker?

I did search "Bare PCB board" but I don't understand the difference between simple PCB and Bare PCB
D1 and R1 are reference designators. An assembly number is a part number assigned to an assembled and test unit. This would be the number used if someone wanted to order a replacement device.

In a manufacturing company, everything has to have a part number. This makes it possible to order things from other companies, and keep track of the parts needed to build something. If you have ten different pc board assemblies in your product or across multiple products in a company, just calling them "the LED board" or "the motor board" is not good enough. If you assign a unique part number to the pc board (simple PCB, bare PCB, empty board, etc.), it is easier to discuss with the board maker, re-order it in the future, and track changes to the design. Typically the board has a part number and a revision level, such as pcb part number 123-456 Rev. A.

Separate from that is the Assembly Number. This is the part number for the completed assembly, the pc board and all of its components, soldered on, test, calibrated or adjusted, and ready to go into something. Again, it is common for an assembly to have a number with a revision field to track changes to the design in the future.

In a manufacturing company, everything has to have a part number. This makes it possible to order things from other companies, and keep track of the parts needed to build something.
@AnalogKid which format of the PCB layout, PCB maker accept for PCB Board

Which file do you send to PCB production house for final PCB board ?
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