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Maker Pro

Does a 250w Infra red light will work on a 320w 8.92A 38v solar panel ?

Hello just a simple questions !
Does a 250w Infra red light will work on a 320w 8.92A 38v solar panel ?

Work like giving en off heat to heat a 64 cubic area...
I want to warm a space witch a single 320w 8.92A 38v solar panel... in direct witch no Batteries (so please dont start totalk about witch batteries and Inverter bla bla bla it will be bether (I know that) :eek:
I just want to know if I can warm Chicken (or why not Human) witch Infra red heather on a 36v 320w installation.
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What voltage light?
The light is made to work on 110V/60 hertz sector and I whant it to be utilised on DC 36.8v 8.62A 320w solar panel
Does the light will heat or the resistance will be to hight for the lamp to get is maximum power on only 36.8v of tenssion ?
On 38V the light will run at about 9% of it's normal power, and the filament probably won't heat up enough to radiate any noticeable IR.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
If you step your DC up to 110V, assuming it's just a heating element, it will work fine.

If it has three identical heating elements in series, you could rewire them as parallel and run then directly from your 38V. (assuming it is actually 38V under load.
I think mister in Toxédoe is Right
So Until I put an Inverter to step up de voltage I will get nothing From an Ir light on 36.8v Dc...

This is because the light résistance is to big, :eek:
But witch a Diy heating résitance (take from any portative heater and recalibred to the proper voltage\w witch the proper Ohm (aproximatively 4 Ohm for my panel)

It will work... for a limited space.. and witch 1 Thermal peltier générator will be able to shoot some heat at 3 ou 4 feet..

Thank you all of the Mister Watson here... and Happy new years ! ;)


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