Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Do a variable AC, high-amp power supply exists?


I have been trying to find the tools needed for some experimenting with custom transformers and I can't find what I need. Maybe there is no such thing as a simple lab-equipment for this. I'm looking for a power supply with simple ways to change the properties below. With a push of a button :)

What I need is a AC power supply with ability to. (The numbers are just an example):
- Change the output frequency ex. 10 - 100> Mhz.
- High current ex. 20 - 100 Amp.
- Change voltage output ex. 12 - 230V.

If any one knows of a device like this I would be forever grateful!


I have been trying to find the tools needed for some experimenting with custom transformers and I can't find what I need. Maybe there is no such thing as a simple lab-equipment for this. I'm looking for a power supply with simple ways to change the properties below. With a push of a button :)

What I need is a AC power supply with ability to. (The numbers are just an example):
- Change the output frequency ex. 10 - 100> Mhz.
- High current ex. 20 - 100 Amp.
- Change voltage output ex. 12 - 230V.

If any one knows of a device like this I would be forever grateful!

I hope you have lot's of money.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Yeah, there are power supplies like this. I bid on one that was being sold locally, but someone else wanted it more than me.

I'll try to find you a link to the type of power supply I'm talking about.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The one I was bidding on only went for $250 or so. At the time I didn't need it enough to chase it.

These will not do. Perhaps you missed this line in the OP?

- Change the output frequency ex. 10 - 100> Mhz.



do you really need to go as high as 100MHz ? that's a pretty hefty RF transmitter!!
those ones Steve linked to go from 1Hz to 1 KHz



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I think the original "requirements" indicated that the OP doesn't really know what he wants or is a little confused about what he needs.

I mean, sure, maybe he does want a 23kW 100MHz transmitter. But I wouldn't call that a power supply.
Yep, that was my point with my comment about having a lot of money. The requirements, as stated, were ridiculous.
