Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DLP...RCA info needed.



50" RCA DLP..I posted a couple of times, but really need
help. Two units, plug in, no blue led indicating "ready to go",
press power the two cooling fans start to spin, & stop right
away, no lamp start, lamp is fine tested in a working DLP, &
+390 volts dc into the ballast. I get 65 volts AC at the lamp...
I know there should be high voltage there, but there's not.
Then led displays a code of 10, then 1, the other unit diplays
6, then 3. One RCA Tech says the lamps bad, the other says
it's the $ 1,800.00 light engine. I really don't know what it is.
I haven't been able to really figure out what's going on, &
don't want to spend $3,600.00, just on a guess. Can anyone
shed some light? E-Mail me, if you can @ [email protected]
I can't get newsgroups at work, & I want to try to figure out
what's wrong with these two units Saturday. Thanks a lot. Sky.


The diagnostic procedures on the Thomson Service Literature Disks is quite
helpful in troubleshooting these sets. Next step is the Thomson Technicial
Assist call in service numbers which you already have taken advantage of.
BTW are the colour wheels starting up on either of the items? You should be
able to hear then spin up when the item is powering on.


Thanks Art, I can't hear the color wheel run, & have talked
to a number of Techs from RCA, but they all give different
diagnosis. I got lost in the diagnostic procedures in the service
manual I have belonging to a different RCA unit, I'm not sure
what's going on. It shuts down, & I don't know what's at fault.
Really need help on this one. Sky.


Normally if the colour wheel does not spin up the lamp will not fire,
therefore no picture and probably the error code. The set will shut down and
produce the Led flash sequenses.


Have you checked the lamp timer in menu?. If it has exceeded its life
u might need to reset lamp timer. Check user manual for details.
(P.S. resetting an expired lamp timer without changing the bulb could
lead to implosion and/or shorted ballast and ps.