Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DIY USB password generator

I thought to share a project I finished yesterday, in case someone is interested in hacking together a similar device. In short, it is a ATtiny85-powered device built inside a USB memory stick enclosure that uses V-USB library to act as a USB HID keyboard, inputting a password stored in EEPROM every time it's inserted.


Here's a 45 second Youtube video of the device in action:

I wanted to have some interaction with the device, so the HID descriptor is for a boot-enabled keyboard that is able to receive keyboard status LED changes from PC. Using these, a new password can be generated just by pressing caps lock repeatedly - the device actually uses the keypress timings to generate a new random password. Details are available in my blog, as well as schematics and source code, all made available under a GPL license.
Other then it giving up the password in a text file, I like it. :cool:

Hehe, obviously one should not plug it in after password generation in other situations than when presented with a password field. :D

I actually realized this morning that I had forgotten to change my Windows password after running the demo, and was locked out of my PC because the demo also contained regenerating the password. Thankfully the password was readable from the video so I resetted back to original without much difficulty...