Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DIY Solder mask?


Glenn Ashmore

In the past I have sent files off to the PCBShop to get boards made up but
that takes a couple of weeks and occasionally I don't find a routing error
until I have it back. I also have everything I need to make photo positive
resist boards. Drilling holes is a real PITA so I experimenting with
surface mount components so I only have to drill vias. I have got it
working pretty well with a converted toaster oven except for one thing. I
have found that a solder mask is almost essential to prevent bridging on
these tiny chips.

Does anyone sell photo imageable dry film solder mask small quantities?

Glenn Ashmore

I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
Shameless Commercial Division: