I have a dozen cheap Nokia mobile phones with active sim cards (used and no longer needed), and i was wonder if its possible to wire up the mic and speaker wires (from handfrees sets) in a way that if 4 or 5 people rang 4 of 5 of the phones, they would be in a chat room, more like a conference. Is this anyway possible? If so, how do i go about wiring it up?
The reason for this is that me and my mates are on unlimited free calls on 02 network, and we could all chat at the same time for free, rather than pay for a conference call or pay thru one contract mobile phone.
If you've any ideas, they would be greatly appreciated,
thank you.
The reason for this is that me and my mates are on unlimited free calls on 02 network, and we could all chat at the same time for free, rather than pay for a conference call or pay thru one contract mobile phone.
If you've any ideas, they would be greatly appreciated,
thank you.