Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DIY led driver help

I'm trying to build a 100 watt led. Can anyone explain to me how to dimm the led via current. My boost converter has a current limiter, but I want to somehow use a potentiometer to adjust the current from minimum to maybe 3 amps. In one video the guy desoldered the trimmer potentiometer and added a 10k pot with a resistor, but I have no idea how to make the same circuit with my boost converter.
I'm trying to build a 100 watt led. Can anyone explain to me how to dimm the led via current. My boost converter has a current limiter, but I want to somehow use a potentiometer to adjust the current from minimum to maybe 3 amps. In one video the guy desoldered the trimmer potentiometer and added a 10k pot with a resistor, but I have no idea how to make the same circuit with my boost converter.
don't use a potentiometer, build a pwm control circuit.
To use that boost converter as a constant current source, you would set the voltage to a few volts more than needed (based on the LED forward voltages), and set the current limit to the current desired. You can remove the current limit trimmer from the board, as you suggested, and use a panel mount potentiometer.

Once I remove the trimmer potentiometer, what do I do next. I have a 10k potentiometer but I don't know how to attach the potentiometer to the trimmer and the board in order to regulate between, say 0 and 3 amps.
Once I remove the trimmer potentiometer, what do I do next. I have a 10k potentiometer but I don't know how to attach the potentiometer to the trimmer and the board in order to regulate between, say 0 and 3 amps.
You use wires to connect the three connections of the POT to the three connections the trimmer was connected to on the board.

So my board has a current potentiometer. Can I do the same thing to the current trimmer. I get how it's set up but I don't understand how he calculated what resistors to use.
Okay, I think I see the problem. If you just replace the trimmer with your external potentiometer, you could blow out your LEDs by turning the current up too high. So, you need a resistor in series with the potentiometer in order to limit the current to the max the LED can handle. So this is complicated.

I am going to assume that the current rises with increased voltage at the slider.

You need to set the trimmer to the max current your LED will be using then read the voltages on the 3 terminals of the trimmer. You should get something like 0V, 5V and 3.6V (for example) on the slider terminal. That tells you voltage you need for the max current.

Now you calculate the resistor needed to limit the voltage to that voltage (3.6V in the example above) when the potentiometer is turned all the way up. You do this by making a voltage divider with the resistance of the potentiometer (say 10K) and the series resistor. If the series resistor is Rs, and the resistance of the potentiometer is Rp and the voltage across the potentiometer is V, and the desired max voltage is Vmax. You can solve for Rs:

Vmax / V = Rp / (Rs + Rp)

(Rs + Rp) * Vmax / V = Rp

Rs + Rp = Rp * V / Vmax

Rs = Rp * (V / Vmax) - Rp

In the example above:

Rp = 10000
V = 5
Vmax = 3.6

Rs = 10000 * 5 / 3.6 - 10000

Rs = 3889

So you would put a 3889Ω resistor between the terminal of the pot connected to the higher voltage. More resistance is OK since it would limit the current to a lower value.

Hope this helps.

I'm only know the very basics of electronics... I have no idea how to build a pwm circut.
if you want to build it (its very simple) here's the schematic:
but if that's to hard for you or you don't want to build it then here's an ebay link to a pwm controller: