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DIY High Voltage Function Generator Design

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I need to design a high voltage function generator for a series of science experiments.

The goal is to output a positive ramp sawtooth waveform with amplitudes from 30kVpp to 70kVpp at frequencies between 1kHz and 10kHz. The required current should stay below 100mA. The input is a DC source (Lipo Battery). The design needs to be as lightweight as possible (under 0.5 kg), which is why an off the shelf unit is out of the question.

If anyone can shed some light on where to start, some links to online resources or any tips on how to best go about this, I'd really appreciate it.

Now I see that I was a bit unclear about the current. My original post read, "The required current should stay below 100mA." Instead, it should have read, "The required output current probably won't be higher than 100mA."

You want a 10KHz function generator that outputs up to 70KV at up to 100mA? That's 7000W on the output. Divide that by the the battery voltage and you will see your battery current even it were 100% efficient. That's 583 amps peak for 12 battery. And driving your output at a rate 7000V/uS. And you want it to be less than 0.5 Kg?

That's not even close to possible in this universe. What are you trying to do?

I understand that I need a high current, but if a 0.5kg weight is not possible, what is a more reasonable estimate of the weight?


you have made it quite clear that you don't understand the problem or the risks involved

We here at Electronics Point are not going to help you kill yourself

choose a safer project

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