Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DIY Electronics

Hi, new to this forum.

I am working on a motorized device, a simple one
with 2 AA batteries as the power supply. The
problem I am having is that the voltage from the
batteries to the motor is too high, I need a current
reducer to slow the motor down.

In addition to needing the electric motor spinning
at the right speed, I also need it on a timer, that spins the
motor for a designated time, that is triggered by a button.

Long story short I need to set up a button that triggers a timed,
and voltage regulated motor that is battery operated with an on/off switch.

I'm very new to building electronics, I cant seem to find what I am
looking for. If you could help me with what parts I would need that
would help me out a lot.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Harald Kapp

Welcome to the forum.

A simple way of setting the motor speed would be a series resistor. The higher the resistor value, the slower the motor.

A simple timer can be built from a 555 timer IC. Here is a tutorial showing how to build a monostable multivibrator (timer) from a 555 plus how to add a transistor driver for controlling a motor, lamp, etc.

on top of what harald has said I can offer another solution andyou can try itlater but there are motor speed controllers out there.
haralds suggestion is by far the quickest way but has a side effect of generating heat (at AA battery level and in short timed bursts it shouldn't be a problem though)