Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Distributor for small pieces of Teflon insulating tubing?


Tim Shoppa

Can anyone recommend a distributor for short lengths of Teflon
insulating tubing? (As in for 18, 22, etc. gauge wire). Mouser lists
it but min order is 1000 feet... I only need a foot or two of each
size. Tim.

Dave Platt

Tim Shoppa said:
Can anyone recommend a distributor for short lengths of Teflon
insulating tubing? (As in for 18, 22, etc. gauge wire). Mouser lists
it but min order is 1000 feet... I only need a foot or two of each
size. Tim. lists a few sizes (for 12, 13, 14,16, 18
gauge bare wire) by-the-foot, in their "Ham pricing" section. Look
under "Tapes and wires".

You might find it easier to locate solid or stranded wire which is
pre-insulated with Teflon.

Spehro Pefhany

Can anyone recommend a distributor for short lengths of Teflon
insulating tubing? (As in for 18, 22, etc. gauge wire). Mouser lists
it but min order is 1000 feet... I only need a foot or two of each
size. Tim.

If you just need short pieces it might be easier to strip some Teflon
wire and use the insulation.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany


Tim said:
Can anyone recommend a distributor for short lengths of Teflon
insulating tubing? (As in for 18, 22, etc. gauge wire). Mouser lists
it but min order is 1000 feet... I only need a foot or two of each
size. Tim.

Allelectronics has #20 in 4 foot lengths for 60 cents.
This supplier will sell you small rolls (20 to 65 feet,
depending on gauge) in #12 through #26 at $7.95 per roll:


David Lesher

Tim Shoppa said:
Can anyone recommend a distributor for short lengths of Teflon
insulating tubing? (As in for 18, 22, etc. gauge wire). Mouser lists
it but min order is 1000 feet... I only need a foot or two of each
size. Tim.

It looks like MSC sells it by the foot.
(page 4195 of the 99 book)

Prepair Ltd

It looks like MSC sells it by the foot.
(page 4195 of the 99 book)

Try a coilwinding/transformer winding wire supplier, it's a stock
thing for them.



Can anyone recommend a distributor for short lengths of Teflon
insulating tubing? (As in for 18, 22, etc. gauge wire). Mouser lists
it but min order is 1000 feet... I only need a foot or two of each
size. Tim.

Be carefull when buying non-roll quantities. Some dispensing
measurement methods 'flatten' the material, so that it will never
again easily assume full diameter.



Try Fox International, 800-231-9786
I've had luck using silicone tubing as a high temp insulator in the
Get it from old sections of spark plug wiring. Just pull out the
core(carbon conductor with nylon weave jacketing.) with a pair of
needle nose pliers.(For cores that are sticky spray a bit of silicone
lubricant in between the silicone sleeve and the nylon jacketing.)
Advantage is it's a good high temp insulator and can be gotten on the
If you've got to have the teflon try a local plastics supply house in
your area, or a plastics fabricator shop. They'll have odd bits that
you could get cheaply.