Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Disadvantage of several capacitors in parallel in a power supply?

Hi! I am making a linear power supply. I don't have 10,000 μF cap but I have several 1000 μF caps. So, I thought I could add 10 of them in parallel to get 10, 000μF value. Will this cause any problem. This power supply is just for displaying in my class giving some basic demonstration like running a 5v fan ans stuff like that.
10,000 uF is awfully big for running a 5 V fan, but as long as the minimum voltage rating among the caps is greater than the peak voltage across them, no problem. And there is no problem with the caps being different values.

Also there are many loads where any filter or cap is not required at all when full wave rectification is used , loads such as lights, and many inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, motors etc.


This power supply is just for displaying in my class giving some basic demonstration like running a 5v fan ans stuff like that.

and what sort of stuff like that ?

what is the max current rating of the power supply
you can work of the rule of thumb of using 1000uF per amp
so if it is only say, a 3 A max PSU, you only need a max of 3000uF ( 3300uF is the closest value)



Also there are many loads where any filter or cap is not required at all when full wave rectification is used , loads such as lights, and many inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, motors etc.

but since we don't know what is included in "stuff like that" its best to have smoothing.
As they may end up using it to power any ol sort of electronics where smoothing is needed
