Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Dim display repair

Hi there.

I have a music system that I got about 2 years ago (past warranty) and it has a small display on it where it's very dim in certain places which makes it difficult to read or navigate through menus. I'm not sure how this has happened since it's not really left on or been bashed about, actually it's in excellent condition only for this.


(This picture looks better than it is, it's actually very dim in places)

I took it apart to see if there was any obvious signs of something needing replacing/corrosion or any signs of damage but I'm really not an expert at this, I can solder and know the basics but that's about it. I've tried sourcing a replacement (Since it's on it's own separate small board) but every combination of numbers and letters turned up dry. As far as I figure it's a FUTABA FV935ND 1x8 display and I wouldn't be too fussed about resoldering a new display if only I could source one.

I was wondering if anyone could help me resolve this issue, I've added some pictures if they're useful.





¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Are the dim segments used for things that are displayed continuously? They could just be worn out.

Or did this happen suddenly?
Well it's ironic because I use this mostly for streaming music via bluetooth and when I do this it's constantly displaying "BT AUDIO" which displays perfectly fine for some reason, but almost everything else it displays has at least one other segment that's not working or dim.

So to answer your question I wouldn't say the dim sections are displayed constantly, it literally just happened, I noticed one part that may have been dim... then another, then another etc. I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that when I got it otherwise I would have taken it back. But it's not even that old so I'm not sure it's worn out, maybe a fault with those displays... but after searching I cannot find another person having the same issue.