So, im pretty into LCDs. I know may way around them, I've replaced them countless times in laptops and taken one apart down to the diffusers - without destroying it. And more recently, Ive learned about the interface - LVDS. Its not very different from panel to panel, and regardless of what many ebay sellers say you can run different sizes and resolutions on laptops that were only sold with a single model.
Anyway, what I have discovered is that with LED panels, everything has changed. The connectors, their location, the number of pins, the backlight connector of course which cant even be found on some... but they still use the same LVDS interface somehow.
What I would really like to figure out (as would many others) is how to convert this, I know its not THAT difficult because its still LVDS.
Does anyone have a laptop with an LED panel they want to test?
I think it could be extremely difficult but theres no way to tell until an attempt is made. Its a pretty high frequency signal I think. Then I will test a standard CFL backlit lcd and compare.
I have never seen an LCD datasheet but if anyone finds one that would be cool to look at regardless of the model and specs etc.
Perhaps the only information needed is the slight variations in the voltage?
That would be great, otherwise im going to have to learn a lot about comparator and timing chips i think. Either way im very determined to figure this out.
any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Anyway, what I have discovered is that with LED panels, everything has changed. The connectors, their location, the number of pins, the backlight connector of course which cant even be found on some... but they still use the same LVDS interface somehow.
What I would really like to figure out (as would many others) is how to convert this, I know its not THAT difficult because its still LVDS.
Does anyone have a laptop with an LED panel they want to test?
I think it could be extremely difficult but theres no way to tell until an attempt is made. Its a pretty high frequency signal I think. Then I will test a standard CFL backlit lcd and compare.
I have never seen an LCD datasheet but if anyone finds one that would be cool to look at regardless of the model and specs etc.
Perhaps the only information needed is the slight variations in the voltage?
That would be great, otherwise im going to have to learn a lot about comparator and timing chips i think. Either way im very determined to figure this out.
any help would be appreciated. Thanks!