Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Difference between trim-pot and log pot


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
That's like asking the difference between a cat and a catfish.

A trimpot is a potentiometer that is typically adjusted by a screwdriver to set some circuit parameter, but is typically not adjusted once set.

A log pot is a potentiometer with a logarithmic taper. That is the resistance varies logarithmically with rotation of the shaft. These are typically used for volume controls because the human ear has a non0linear sensitivity to changes in the intensity of sound.
Like *steve* said.
I think whoever told you those two terms, MEANT a 'trim pot' to be one where the
resistance across the travel of the wiper to be linear.
As opposed to a 'taper' or logarithmic resistance used in volume control applications.
They're both generically called trim-pots.
Is there by any chance their places are inter changeable, i mean, can i replace a 10k log pot by an 10k trim-pot?

By the way I'm sorry for my silly questions and thanks in advance.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Only if it's a 10k log trim-pot -- then it's the same thing.

Otherwise you're asking something akin to "can I replace a 3 litre engine with a petrol engine?" -- ok if both are 3 litre petrol engines, but not if one is a 3 litre diesel engine and the other is a 1600cc petrol engine.

trim-pot describes an aspect of the physical nature of the thing (essentially that it doesn't have a shaft that you can fit a knob to. "log" describes how the resistance changes as you rotate the control -- in theory there is no particular relationship between the two.

Having said that, log trimpots are relatively unusual, but not impossible to find