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Maker Pro

Difference between the following faculties?

What is the difference between the following : Electrical Engineering(EE), Electrical and Electronics Engineering(EEE), Electronics and Communications Engineering(ECE), and Electronics and Instrumentation engineering(EIE)
The first relates mainly to Electrical Power.
The others cover basics of Electronics with Emphasis on the Specific area.
Crudely putting it,
EEE will deal with Power Electronics like Thyristors, PWM invertors....
ECE will specialise in Link Engineering, data transfer Protocols....
EIE in Precision Measurements, Common mode, ..... and the like.
Most of the difference in emphasis can be taken from the names, as places tend to name things appropriately.
Names are not changed frequently, so sometimes the official name lags changes in the taught content.
As the actual emphasis changes from place to place, check out the course content offered to see what they actually cover: some will be broad, some more focused.
The first relates mainly to Electrical Power.
The others cover basics of Electronics with Emphasis on the Specific area.
Crudely putting it,
EEE will deal with Power Electronics like Thyristors, PWM invertors....
ECE will specialise in Link Engineering, data transfer Protocols....
EIE in Precision Measurements, Common mode, ..... and the like.
Agreed and if you want to know in more detail just google it or read the thesis of top electronics professionals regarding this.
Well this is the answer I got from my relative. Electrical and electronic engineers work at the forefront of practical technology, improving the devices and systems we use every day. From solar-energy systems to mobile phones, we innovate to meet society's communication, tech and energy needs.